Chapter Six: Recovery

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“I can’t do it,” I tell him as I fall back onto the bed, my chest pounding out of its ribcage as Xavier held onto my legs. “It’s too much.” I say as wipe the sweat of my face.

Xavier sighs as his grip loosens and he stands up straight. “Kris, you have to do at least three more sit ups, it’s part of your physical therapy,” He tells me. “Unless…” He says as he turns and wiggles his brows. “You’d like some other physical form of treatment.” He suggests, a hint of cheekiness in his voice. I grab the pillow beside me and attempt to toss it on his face, but unfortunately it fell short. “Relax, I’m joking.” He adds with a soft chuckle.

I roll my eyes disgustedly at him, but I smile. Things between us were beginning to get better as we’ve begun tolerating each other’s behaviour’s more. I’m getting used to his perverted attitude and remarks; well not exactly, but I’m working on it. But I’m able to not roll my eyes so much and make snide comments back to him. Sadly, Xavier’s never going to change. After all, once a manwhore, always a manwhore. “Whatever.” I tell him before I lie back down.  “Can you give me some time to rest first before we continue?”

“Alright, I’ll give you five minutes,” Xavier says.

“Ten,” I protest.

“Six,” He negotiates.

I roll my eyes. “Eight,” I tell him.

Xavier shakes his head. “Six.” He says firmly.

“Five, then.” I tell him.

“Sold.” Xavier concludes with a smile. “And just so you know love, that human trick will never work on a vampire.” He tells me with a wink.

I scowl as I close my eyes and sigh. I was really tired.

“So what kind of powers do I have?” I ask Xavier with a smile as I limp down the hallway, Xavier behind me ready to catch me when I fall. It has been a month, I was finally out of my wheelchair, but sadly, I had a walking stick instead. Not much of an upgrade, but better that being unable to move.

Xavier chuckles. “We don’t have powers,” He tells me. “I’ll never understand why humans believe that, but we don’t. We’re just stronger than you lot are, that’s all.” He says with a smile. “And a longer stamina for activities that I rather enjoy.” He adds with a smirk on his lips.

I roll my eyes. “You never cease to disgust me, Xavier,” I honestly reply as we make our way to dinner. “But I guess you will never change that side of you.” I say with a sigh.

“I’m glad that you understand that, love.”

Two months have passed, and I could walk properly again. My recovery was quite fast considering that the last time I was on a walking stick; it took my six months to recover. I guess being a vampire had perks after all, but on other occasions. Not so much. Like right now for example. “Come on, Kris, you have to bite some time.” Xavier says as he holds out his wrist at my face. I feel my nose cringe as I stagger back away from him.

“No,” I protest. “I don’t want to drink blood.” I tell him. “I’d rather have it drunk from a cup.” I say, but Xavier still comes closer to me, his wrist still extended. “Please…” I plead as I pout and give him a puppy dog look, hoping that it would be as successful as before.

Xavier sighs as he drops his arm, I mentally cheer. “Alright then, Kris, I’ll let you drink from a cup.” He tells me with a smile. I smile back at him. His lips curl from a smile to smirk. “But you still need to learn how to bite.” He says sternly grabbing my chin. I struggle as he lifts my body of the ground; Xavier opens my mouth as he examines my teeth. Honestly, I feel nothing. No fangs extended, literally, nothing. “It appears that your teeth haven’t fully developed yet, but then again, you are the first human I’ve turned.” He admits as he sets me back down on my feel.

I stare at him, my eyes slightly shocked. “I’m the first human you’ve turned?” I ask his as cock my head aside and stare up at him. Xavier nods in response. “Really?” I exclaim at him. It was just a bit shocking.

Xavier sighs as he runs a hand through his blonde hair. “You don’t honestly think I’d spend my time around humans like you when I had better things to do,” He informs me with a playful smirk on his lips. “Especially not with different women knocking on my door every night,” He tells me. “And I do rather enjoy having a woman’s company around during the night.” He says with a grin.

I feel my frown drop into a thin line as I look at him. “Of course you were running a prostitution ring, should have expected it from a guy like you.” I mutter, but I know he heard me. Within a few moments, a thought processed into my brain as I grin. “Say, Xavier,” I say as I look up at my husband. “Have you ever felt true pain?” I asked him, a smirk slipping onto my lips.

He looks at me oddly, as if I have grown a second head, but his expression changes as he replies me. “No, why?” He asks.

I smile. “Well back in the human world, the easiest way to bring pain to the male body would be by attacking their pressure point.” I tell him.

Xavier laughs. “Vampires don’t have pressure points,” He replies. “I would know, because I’m stronger than most of them.” He tells me. I roll my eyes at that remark, I knew he was vain. However, egoistic, I can add that in too.

“You’d never know.” I taunt as I begin to circle him.

He snorts in response. “Fine, try me then.” He says.

I find myself standing in front of him once more and smile. “Are you sure?” I ask him, praying that his ego would take over.

“Yes, Kris.”

I grin. “That was all I needed.”

With that, I kicked him at his balls.

Xavier gasps as he doubles over onto his knees. “Boom, you’ve got owned Mr Egoistic.” I find myself saying as I punch two hands in the air.

“Was that a joke, Kris?” Xavier exclaims as he looks at me, his face slightly red.

I shook my head. “Nope,” I say as I pop the p. I find myself skipping like a little girl as I make my way to the door of the feeding room. “That’s really every male’s pressure point, so if I were you. Be warned.” I tell him.

I knew he wouldn’t take it seriously, but who knows.

I just hurt his freaking ego and it felt good.


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