3. hot neighbor

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"Tell me you love me yn" Taehyung's wide blank eyes held disbelief as if he's seen a ghost. "Tae-" I was interrupted by the knock on the room door. I immediately moved from his lap to answer the door but Taehyung held me back.

"Answer me, yn"

"There is someone-"

"I don't give a fuck.

I pushed him away but he pulled me back, and I landed on him. Our faces being inches away increased my urge to kiss his soft lips. As if he heard my mind he smashed his lips on mine, pulling me in one of the roughest makeout sessions I've ever had with him.

I'm still against him as we are both heaving heavy breaths. I pull myself back, still sitting on top of him. I can see his teary eyes but they are not gonna hold me back anymore. I take our promise ring off my finger. "Yn don't-" I place it in his hand and get off him. He scrambled off the bed following me around as I collected my stuff.

"Don't do this to me please yn." I ignore his continued pleading. I walked out of his room and down the stairs, "I did so much for us. For you yn" The living room was empty but I still roamed my eyes everywhere before speaking. "You did too much taehyung. I never asked for any of this. And I don't want anything from you anymore. Please it's the better of us" I said and headed to the main door.

Tears streamed down Taehyung's face as he kept telling me to stay. "I can never grow better without you yn. I'll have no good, no sanity if you leave me". He grabs my hand but I jerk it out of his grip. "You were never sane. You're just crazy '' I shouted and ran out of his premises.

I ignore all the shouting and crying as I sit in my car and drive away.

This wasn't as difficult as I thought.


Alcohol intoxicates my senses, I let another burning shot slide down my throat. I desperately needed a drink after tons of chaos. "Let it go, babe. You had your time" Cara hyped me. I met Cara with taehyung. They were from the same class in the first year. We've been close friends since then.

There wasn't a single student in our school who didn't know about Cara, she was insanely popular because of her internet influence. That was until I stepped up. It wasn't like my motive was to steal her limelight but my parents, especially my mother's title dragged me into attention.

Cara, instead of being jealous or angry ended up being a really good friend to me. Only if someone could tell her that I don't do friends. Cara thinks I'm blind as if I don't see how she sticks with me just to keep her social media going.

"What are you even sad about? It's not like you loved him or anything, "Cara says and takes a sip from her glass. "I am not sad about that. But he was fine as fuck man" "and loaded" she adds.

"Money? Na I have enough of that" I wasn't with taehyung for his money. Heck, I'll never be with a guy for his money, I have enough to feed my next ten generations.

"Why were you even with him? It wasn't like he was that great?" This is exactly what I want to know too. Taehyung got nothing behind that beautiful face of his...apart from his status. He was an absolute dumbfuck and I still can't believe how I ended up with him for this long.

"My mother loved taehyung" And I wasn't even surprised. Her being the most popular actress obviously wanted her daughter to settle with someone of a high status. "Oh please yn...since when did you start to care about what your mother likes" true. I hated that woman. She never treated me like her daughter, I was just a possession to show off.

Perfect face. Perfect body. Perfect grades. Perfect reputation. That's all I've showcased to the world being Choi Haeun's daughter.

"Which reminds me off-" Cara speaks "You're gonna get so much hate babe. People are ready to eat you alive the moment the news gets out" My relationship with taehyung was officially out in the media. Taehyung was a worldwide heartthrob and my being with him created a huge hustle at first until people grew on the fact.

"You know I don't care" I was the least active person on social media. I didn't seem to find its point. Other people handled all my accounts on my behalf. And useless opinions from people who don't know shit about my real life will never be my concern.


I am absolutely wasted. Half of my weight is over my bodyguard who's trying to walk me home. "Go home, Eric. I'm fine." I slightly pushed him away. "Ya I'll go home once you're in your bed" he chuckles. Eric was a sweetheart. He's been my bodyguard for years. He recently had his second baby girl who I absolutely hated. Kids were never my thing, they got on my nerves. But Eric never judged me over that.

"Just leave me here. I'll walk up till there myself "I said as we were standing at the end of the hallways, my house being on the other end. "Yn-" "Shut up...let me go" I wiggled my way out of his grip and started walking. Threw myself on the walls a few times and Eric just laughed at my clumsiness. "Go home. Your daughter must be waiting to ruin your nights with all that crying" I shouted.

On getting no response I turned around to see the hallway empty. "Asshole" I muttered under my breath as I fish inside my bag for the keys. Loud muffled music vibrated through the walls and before I could focus on the source My eyes landed on my doorstep, on the particular bouquet of flowers lying there.

Never in the past year have I received flowers at night. And it wasn't the usual purple heather either. The bouquet consisted of the same flower but in white. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice coming from next door. Turns out the music is coming from there only. The door of that house was slightly open and emitted crazy neon lights. Looked less like a house and more like a club.

Curiosity got the best of me and I walked towards the door, slightly peeking inside the lit room. The house was empty until a figure walked into the room. I know my statements aren't meant to be taken seriously when I'm high as fuck but when I say this is the most heavenly body I've seen in my whole life, I'm not lying.

I don't see his face but oh his physique. He is walking around with nothing but a towel around his waist and his well-built muscles are flexing at every move he makes. He starts vibing to the music and I see his right hand covered in tattoos along with a tattoo that flows down his spine. I am left to wonder how many more areas are inked on his body.

Where was this guy before? How did I never know I had such a hot neighbor? As if he felt someone looking at him, he turned around. I immediately scram to the side, open the door to my house and shut it close as fast as possible. I am pinned against the door and I feel the neighbor closing his door shut. Just like he pulled me in and closed the door to my heart. 

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