25. can't live without you

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The burn behind her eyes is enough to make her close them. Everything is too big and spread almost making her feel lost in the brightness, yet it closes down on her occasionally, suffocating her in the space.

At first, it feels like a white illuminated room, too big. But if you focus enough, it is just void. The light has a source, so far away from the vision but it comes from one direction. Yn can face it, see it, and know it there.

When she turns around, her shadow is being casted on the pale floor, stretched out away from her.

It's the same. As always.

She'll turn around and they will be there. Like always.

What if I don't turn? she wondered, enough times only to end up turning anyway. It makes sense right? Wanting to know what happens next?

But it doesn't. Nothing happens.

She turns back to look back in the direction where the deemed light comes from.

And there they are. The tainted shadows loomed in her head like demons possessing her body.

The girl stays on the ground, one can hardly make out the way her shadow trembles. While the man stood over her.

Still no face. Nobody.

Just shadows.

It ruins the serene white around.

But red ruins it more. When it emerges from her, a spot of blood is in the center of her black shadows and it flows until it falls on the ground on her side. Flows even more until it's trailing down towards yn.

Usually, she panics and cries, scaring away from the two. But this time it was as if she had given up.

The blood continued to move towards her and when she looked down, her hands were red. So are her clothes.

She looks back up at the shadow and again red emits from the core of the man standing. It doesn't move at first, stays like a spot on his chest but then spreads throughout his body.

First the neck, shoulder, then arms, and thighs. Until the blackness of his silhouette is crimson.

"You think you're all innocent?" The voice doesn't come from someone. It's just there in the air. The tone is one that can't be recognized, no matter what. "this all started with you..you fucked up!"

Yn just stares at the smile that has started to creep up the man's face. Just the shape of a wide grin with pale teeth peeking. "Stop this!! Get rid of me or either reveal yourself!" She yells.

"You know me," the man says...his voice so dangerously low that it's barely comprehensive.

Yn clenched her jaw, everything so vivid that it felt real. "I wouldn't be seeing you if I knew what this is...and who you are" Her voice held a bitter sadness, evident from the way it cracked at the end.

"Have a closer look yn* he steps over to the girl on the ground, who is now completely still, and the twitching stops together. "We are the same" he raises his hand, his skin red.

Yn steps back, fear creeping in her chest, "we are not the same...get back!" Her voice echoed in the void, the place that was bright with light had started to flicker.

But the man doesn't stop, he walks closer and closer and closer until red blinds her vision, a gut-wrenching scream escaping her lungs.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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