17. old times

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Yn pov (high school days)

"you'll have to multiply the whole digit with this one" Rosalin spoke, scratching her pencil in my notebook, solving the sum ahead. "Ok now I got it" I smiled. "Thanks"

"Happy to help" she smiled back before going back into her book, soon I saw taehyung enter the class. "Ohh what are my ladies doing?" He leans down, peeping into our notebooks. "Maths?" His face morphed into a disgusted look.

"you should study too, finals are near," I say but he just shakes his head. "I'm not dying to become the valedictorian like you two, so don't drag me in this race and I say you should give up too" he looks at me.

"taehyung" I speak seriously "This is the only thing I've been working so hard to achieve this year. You know how much being the valedictorian means to me" he sits on my desk, pulling my face in his hands. "I know baby. I was kidding" he kissed my forehead. "And you" he looks at Rosalin. "Show some respect to your soon-to-be sister-in-law. Back down a little?" he narrows his eyes. By this time, Tae's family was convinced to marry us and his remarks did make me conscious. but I decided to let it slide.

"I'm going to give my best, taehyung. The results can be anything" she speaks in her usual monotonous voice she was used to being around us acting all lovely. I never had any time to compete with Rosalin. Cause I knew I was better.

Even though we are equally good at academics I've never felt inferior to her. I was confident that this year I'll be the valedictorian. It's something I've worked for throughout my school years. People say I'm obsessed with it and now I can't deny it.

After school, I was walking to our usual spot where taehyung waits for me so we can go home together, but today he wasn't there. I looked around to see no one. I waited there for him to come but after 5 mins I saw Cara running to me. She stops in front of me, huffing and panting. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"yn...taehyung. He and Josh" she catches her breath throwing random words. But it was enough for me to understand what was going on. "Fuck" I ran back inside the school looking for taehyung when I see a bunch of people in the middle of the ground standing in a circle. I ran through them and saw taehyung over Josh, punching him brutally while Rosalin tried to stop him.

"Kim taehyung" I shouted before holding his arm trying to pull him back. "Stop it please, just stop" My voice didn't seem to affect him."Go ahead taehyung listen to your owner, be a good bitch" Josh mocked, increasing his anger even more but soon the school security and teacher came to separate them two away.

"leave me, I'll kill this son of a bitch" taehyung growled, his veins popping out in anger, a different type of rage glowing in his eyes. I've seen him like this a lot but every time it leaves me surprised. Cause it's the same man who speaks ever so softly to me. "I'd like to see you try" Josh spoke, his face covered in his own blood.

"taehyung, let go" I whispered to him, still holding his arm. "You'll regret this Kim taehyung. Mark my words. I'll make you suffer" josh spoke before he was taken away. I looked at taehyung, several bruises and cuts on his face, his hands covered in spots of dry blood.

"what's wrong with you?" Rosalin spoke, hitting his arms lightly. "Go away rose, I don't want to talk right now" he spoke before taking my hand and walking away. "Why did you fight with josh?" I asked, struggling to walk beside him because of how fast and long his strides were.

"you don't have to know" he simply said, as if he didn't just almost commit a murder in front of fifty eye witnesses. "It was again the same thing, right? It's because he talked to me, right?" I asked softly. I knew how to make him calm down and get answers out of him. Just like how I was vulnerable under him, he was too.

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