4. beef with the universe

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My last two days flew away handling stuff for college. Most of the things were already done by my managers. I just had to prepare myself for everything. Once again I'm in a place, bound by rules, surrounded by judgmental eyes.

One mistake from Choi yn and everyone will be ready to tear me apart. By now the news of my break up hasn't gotten out. People will notice it themselves when they see the decrease in our sightings together. 

Whenever the rumors are faulty, an official statement is sent out that they are false. But when a rumor is true, we keep silent. I walk into the crowded hallway as the whispers around me keep growing. 

Among all these stares, the feeling of this one particular gaze pierces through every layer of my flesh, breaking the bones and going through me. The back of my head started burning from this stare and I had to turn around just to find nothing. 

Now the people around me are also looking at me suspiciously at my weird behavior. Usually, I don't care about them cause all this time has made me prone to it but there are times when I feel overwhelmed. And today is that time.

I Can feel my heart rate increasing, sweat trickling down my back, and my breathing starting to become uneven. I immediately try to find an empty classroom. Pushing myself inside the first empty room I see, I fall down on my knees, feeling the air vanishing from my lungs. My hands quivered at the growing anxiety in my mind.

The room's door shut open and I jumped at my place. It was a random student. I try to stand up but my blurry vision and weak legs pull me back on the floor. "hey y-you're ok?" the guy comes running towards me and hesitantly falls on his knees.

"I-" my voice chokes out as I try to heave a ragged breath. "Ok ok just breathe. Slowly. Breath." He motions his hand up and down to visualize slow breaths. I try to follow the steps as his sweet yet raspy voice keeps repeating in my head.

"Everything is fine. You're ok. Just calm down" he assured and with time I feel my heart coming back to its normal pace. My eyes meet his innocent-looking ones. He wore a cap along with a puffer jacket and cargo pants. All black.

"Are you feeling ok now? You want some water" he speaks as he pulls out a bottle from his back. "yes. I'm feeling ok" I hastily stand up and walk towards the door as he just watches me.

"Don't tell anything to anyone" I said and left the room. Do I feel like an ass for not thanking him? A little. But do I care? Na. He's a stranger; he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I make a trip from the washroom to the first class of the year. To my surprise, there were a lot of students. more than what I was expecting, which makes me want to pull my hair out. But among the crowded hall, there in the

first seat. The same guy from earlier sat with his book on the desk, diligently reading. I observe his side profile under his cap. He straightens his posture and raises his hand up to remove his cap, running his finger through his hair

a few times before fixing the cap back in its place. I find him weirdly attractive. Ignoring his presence I roam my eyes around to look for a seat to sit. Damn it. Not even a single place for me. Except for one seat beside the guy.

"Fuck you universe" I curse silently and walk to the first

seat, placing myself beside him. My gaze is fixed on the other side for no reason. As if I'm trying to avoid him. I'm not really avoiding him, but interactions kill me.

"Hi!" Shit. I am starting to believe that the world runs against me. "Hi," I turned around, plastering a smile on my face. "My name is Jungkook," he puts his hand out. "Yn" I slid my hand into his. His skin is soft and warm

against mine. He shyly smiles before squirming back to his original position, dwelling on his book again. "So-" Before I could complete my sentence the professor came in. We had an introduction class.

Throughout the session, Jungkook was consistent in answering whatever questions were asked. As if he had already completed the course before the session was even started. This guy was definitely a bookworm.

The lecture ends soon and I start to put my stuff in my bag. "Yn" I heard my name and immediately looked toward Jungkook, but it wasn't him who called me. I look around only to see a huffing taehyung standing at the door

of the hall. "What the hell?" Mostly all the students have left the room when it's only me, Taehyung, and Jungkook with a few others. "We need to talk," Taehyung speaks, looking at me through his bangs.

"We have nothing to talk about. Just stop following me around" Since our breakup he's been trying to talk to me but I've blocked him on all online communication sources. Which leaves him the only option to follow me

wherever I go. "Don't do this" he walked towards me but I turned around to collect my bag. Jungkook silently watches the scene unfold in front of him. "I'll die without you yn. Please come back" he pleads trying to hold me

but slightly pushes him away, not wanting to create a drama in front of others. "I'd be happy to hear that. just stay away from me " I say and walk out of the class. Taehyung continues to follow me but I was fast enough to

walk inside the washroom with a few other girls. So Taehyung wasn't able to enter there. Waiting for him to go away, I stood there doing nothing when suddenly my phone rang with a message.

This guy is already getting on my nerves and now he's asking for dinner? I would've denied this immediately but he actually helped me a little, or maybe more than a little back in the empty hall

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This guy is already getting on my nerves and now he's asking for dinner? I would've denied this immediately but he actually helped me a little, or maybe more than a little back in the empty hall.

So I accepted his offer. 

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