11. Nightmare

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Crimson all over me. Around me. My eyes wander around only to meet with blinding sunlight over me. A man and a girl. Black shadows.

What is going on? Blood seeps out from the girl, tainting me. "No..." my voice comes out as I plead. My teary eyes look up at the man's shadow standing opposite me. A smile played on his lips, making me want to tear my skin and crawl back into it.

Red emits from his core, slowly infecting his whole frame and soon the black shadows turn red. My heart goes crazy from beating at that place, I'm nearly choking on my own tears.

"Hi yn" that all it takes for me to scream out my emotions.

My eyes burst open. My chest heaving up and down, the dry roughness in my throat tells me I let out the most horrendous scream ever. It's been a while since I had that nightmare. About that tainted day.

My memories are blurry but I'm sure that they are memories, not casual nightmares.

A loud bang on my door freezes me.

I look over at the clock and it's 2:10 Who the fuck-?

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. My hands go to my night drawer when the door bangs again.

Why the banging? There is a working bell out there.

swiftly pulling the drawer open, I take out the gun. Ever since I knew there was some obsessive stalker lurking around, I had prepared some defenses for myself.

This person again hit the door and I'm afraid it'll break down. My feet take me to the living room, and the phone on the open kitchen counter lights up. I walk over to see Jungkook's messages.

9:47 - call me if you need any help. Good night, sweetheart.

2:16 - open the door. It's me.

I sigh in relief and walk over to open the door before a switch goes off in my head.

What if it's not jungkook?

I again hold the gun ahead of me. Someone's gonna taste this bullet tonight.

I keep my guard up and without any more thoughts, I swing the door open. "Woah!" Jungkook steps back, raising his hands in the air. "I come with peace" his hands pull up two peace signs as he smiles awkwardly.

I sigh and pull the gun down. "Why the fuck would you knock at my door like a madman at 2 in the fucking morning?" I ask, clearly frustrated. Jungkooks slides his hand back down, putting it in the pockets of his sweats. "I heard you scream. I thought you needed help"

Was it that loud?

"I'm sorry to disturb you. But I'm totally fine. Thank you." I Was about to close the door when Jungkook held it. It only takes him two steps to cover the distance between us. "I told you I don't like it when you lie to me" his face is dangerously close to mine. The adrenaline from the past few minutes is wearing down and I don't think I'll be able to handle this in my pure senses.

"I'm not lying". I say taking a step back only for him to follow me. His head looks to the side, chuckling at me, mockingly. "You're so easy to read". He looks back in my eyes and if this distance continues between us, I might lose control.

"Stay back, jungkook" My natural instinct pushes him away, barely creating any difference. "Why?" His hot breath touches my lips. "You're in my personal space" I avoid looking back in his eyes, afraid I might get lost in the mirage.

Jungkook chuckles again and steps back. I take the opportunity to run to the kitchen, placing the gun on the counter. Jungkook, who has already entered my house, casually walks to the open kitchen which is connected to the living room.

"A nice house you got there," he says, roaming his eyes around. I pull out a glass to get myself some water. "We have the same interior, jungkook, '' I say, mildly rolling my eyes before drinking from the glass. His eyes wander away from the chandelier to mine. "I'd suggest you don't do that again" he leans on the other side of the counter.

"Do what,?" I ask, I don't know why, but nervously. "Roll your eyes at me" he swings his fingers around my face. I choke at my water. He wasn't even looking at me. "The fuck? Why do you keep telling me what to do?" I say, hitting my chest while continually coughing.

"Because I can" he simply smiles and the wave of irritation covers me. I turn around to wash the glass. "No, you can't-"

My eyes land on a small group of flowers lying on the counter. This wasn't here before. I pull the flower closer and realize that they are the same heathers I received in the hospital, with a note sticking in it.

"I ain't no threat, sweetheart"

"What's wrong?" I flinch when Jungkook speaks against my ear. "Nothing," I say, pushing the flowers back, and turning around in the little space between the slab and this giant's body. "I don't know when you'll understand that you- he points his finger at my forehead -are very bad at lying"

I gulp, slapping his hands away. "Jungkook, please...I'm tired" I both mentally and physically if I i could tell him. "Answer two of my questions and I'll leave you to sleep," he says, putting his hands on the counter either side of me. "And what makes you think I'll do that?" I say, pushing away from him, almost climbing up on the counter.

He again shows that damn smile before his hands move from the counter to my thighs, wrapping his large hands around them. And before I even notice..."Cause if you don't- he lifts me up effortlessly, making me hold onto his shoulder -I have all the time to wait for your answer" he finishes and puts me on the cold counter, now standing between my legs, his torso leaning closer.

"What do you want to know?" I turn my face away, afraid that if I look at him straight our lips might catch each other. He again traps me between his arms, laying his palms straight on the marble top. "First, why were you screaming?"

His finger gets hold of my chin before turning my face to him. I nearly lost it in the proximity of the distance. Having him this close makes all the senses in my body wide awake. " I already told y-" his finger moves from my chin to my lips. His eyes glare at mine, simply shaking his head. He gives me another chance to speak by moving his finger away from my lips, to around my neck before letting them fall down.

I breathe heavily before saying, "I had a nightmare." The material of his Pants rub against the skin of my bare inner thighs, the mini nightdress not helping me at all. "Ok, next. What are you hiding from me?" The piercing on his lips glits in the kitchen lights as he speaks. I open my mouth to speak but his glare is enough to shut up my lie even before it comes out.

I pull the flowers from behind me and bring them between us. "You were hiding flowers?" He laughs, moving away, taking my sense of existence along with him, As if I'm only alive when he's close. "Why would you hide them?" He looks at me, his bunny-looking smile on full display.

"That makes it more than 2 questions. I'm going and you should also leave now." He mocks a disappointed face. "You're smarter than I thought, yn," he says, turning around to walk away as I jump down from the counter. "I'm way more than you can possibly imagine," I say making my way towards the bedroom as he keeps walking to the main door.

"I'll come back tomorrow for answers" he shouts, a voice loud enough for only me to hear before the main door shuts closed. 

I take my confused self inside my bed. My body craves for equivalent desire, the mind surviving in constant fear while the soul dreads for nothing but mere freedom.

I let them consume me, drain my energy enough to hit me back into the slumber. 

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