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Sunday morning 6:00- Inessa

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Sunday morning 6:00- Inessa

The next morning, Inessa was woken up by Mira at 6 am. She groggily rubbed her eyes, wondering why she was being woken up so early.

"Get dressed, Inessa, we have a busy day ahead of us for the wedding," Mira said with a smile.

Inessa quickly got dressed and stumbled downstairs, still feeling tired. She was surprised to find that no one else was awake besides Mira and herself.

They had a quick breakfast before leaving and picking up Zariah on the way. Inessa asked Zariah what she was coming to do, and Mira explained that they were going to try on wedding dresses, taste wedding cakes, and sample wines and champagnes. They were also going to discuss the theme of the wedding.

Inessa nodded and smiled, excited for the day ahead.

After picking up Zariah, they made one more stop to pick up Inessa's mom, which took Inessa by surprise. She hadn't expected her mom to be joining them.

As they drove to the bridal salon, Inessa's mom talked about how excited she was for the wedding and how much she loved Vincent. Inessa smiled, feeling grateful for her mother's support.

The day flew by in a flurry of trying on dresses, sampling desserts, and discussing wedding plans. Inessa felt overwhelmed at times, but Mira and Zariah were always there to support her and help her make decisions.

By the end of the day, Inessa was exhausted but happy. She felt like she had made a lot of progress in planning her wedding, and she was grateful to have such wonderful friends and family to help her along the way.

Sunday evening- Inessa

As Inessa lay in bed that night, she couldn't shake off a feeling of sadness that had been gnawing at her all day. She knew it was irrational, but she couldn't help feeling upset about the fact that her wedding was essentially a business transaction.

Inessa had always dreamt of marrying someone she truly loved, not just for the shine of his business. She felt guilty for having these thoughts, knowing that Vincent was a good man who cared about her and would make a good husband.

But as she tossed and turned in bed, Inessa couldn't help but wonder what her life would be like if she had followed her heart and married someone she loved. She pushed the thoughts aside and tried to focus on the positive aspects of her wedding, but the feeling lingered.

Monday morning 9:00- Inessa

The next morning, Elijah came bounding into her room, full of energy and wanting attention. Inessa forced a smile and tried to play along, but her mind was still preoccupied with the thoughts from the night before.

After hanging out with Elijah in his room, she went back to her own room and found the window open. She frowned, wondering if she had left it open herself. As she went to close it, she noticed a letter on her bed with a piece of her hair attached to it. The letter read, "If you marry him it will end badly for you."

Inessa felt a chill run down her spine. She didn't know who could have left the letter, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being stalked. She thought about telling someone, but she didn't want to cause a fuss or worry her loved ones.

Instead, she laughed it off, tossing the letter in the trash can. "My poor hair got chopped off for this, whoever did this hates my hair," she said, putting a hand through her blond locks and pouting.

After the incident with the stalker, Inessa spent the rest of the afternoon laughing about the situation. She found it almost amusing that someone would go through the trouble of stalking her just to leave a note with a piece of her hair.

"What did they expect? That I would be scared or something?" she laughed to herself as she went through the wedding planning checklist.

Inessa was known for her carefree and lighthearted nature. She found it difficult to take things seriously and often laughed at inappropriate times. She knew that some people found it annoying, but she couldn't help it. It was just who she was.

As the afternoon turned into evening, Inessa met up with Mira and Zariah for dinner. They talked about the wedding planning process and how things were coming along. Inessa couldn't help but giggle at some of the more ridiculous suggestions that were being thrown around.

Mira looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

Inessa just shook her head, still laughing. "I don't know, I just can't take any of this seriously. I mean, we're planning a wedding! It's supposed to be fun, right?"

Zariah nodded in agreement. "She's got a point. We shouldn't be stressing out about every little detail. We should be enjoying the process."

Mira smiled, understanding where Inessa was coming from. "Okay, I see your point. But we still need to make sure everything is perfect for the big day."

Inessa nodded, still laughing. "Of course, of course. But can't we do it with a little bit of humor?"

The rest of the evening was spent in lighthearted conversation and laughter. Inessa felt grateful for her friends and the way they always managed to lift her spirits. She knew that there were serious things in life, but sometimes it was important to just let loose and have some fun.

As they all sat in the living room, chatting and having fun, they suddenly heard a loud gasp. They turned to see Elijah looking at his phone with big eyes.

"You guys will never believe what just happened," he said, sitting down.

Everyone sat up, frowning. "This is serious, can I get your attention?" Elijah asked, and they all nodded.

"My friend Michael just got ran over by a bus," Elijah said, putting a hand over his mouth.

Inessa tried to hold back her laughter, looking down at her hands. "Don't laugh," Zariah told her, but that only made it worse. Inessa let out a small sound, making Zariah look away, trying to hold back her own laughter.

"Oh no," Mira whispered, concern etched on her face.

Inessa covered her face, trying hard to keep from laughing. "Oh my... is it okay?" she asked, trying to steady her voice.

"It? Seriously, it?" Mira said, making Inessa and Zariah burst out laughing.

"Guys, this isn't funny," Elijah said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it," Inessa said, still trying to hold back her laughter.

Vincent looked at her, amused, a smile spreading across his face. Treyvon was mesmerized by the sight of Zariah laughing. Elijah also burst out laughing, finding it funny too.

They spent the rest of the evening laughing and finding it not that serious. Even though they knew it was a serious situation, they couldn't help but find humor in the way Elijah had told them the news. They were grateful for the moments of lightheartedness in their lives, and it brought them all closer together.

As they played games and drank beer, the night turned into a blur of laughter and fun. Elijah, still unable to drink, was the designated driver for the night and watched with amusement as his friends became more and more intoxicated.

Inessa and Zariah, in their playful state, started flirting with each other, their faces inches apart as they giggled and teased. Vincent and Treyvon, amused by their antics, had to pull them apart several times before things got too heated.

As the night wore on, they eventually decided to call it a night and head to bed. Zariah playfully smacked Inessa's ass, causing her to gasp in surprise. Inessa retaliated by pinning Zariah against the wall, causing them both to burst into laughter.

Vincent and Treyvon intervened once again, pulling them apart and carrying them to their respective rooms. Vincent laid Inessa down on her bed, and as he leaned in to kiss her goodnight, she playfully connected their lips before saying goodnight and drifting off to sleep with a smile on her face.

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