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Inessa stood in front of the mirror, her hands cradling her growing belly. It had been three months since she left Vincent, and her pregnancy was beginning to show. She smiled at the sight, feeling a sense of joy and wonder as she watched her body transform.

Despite her happiness, Inessa couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. She missed Vincent, missed the way he used to hold her and make her feel safe. She missed the way he used to help her with her mood swings, telling her it would all be okay.

But Inessa knew that she couldn't dwell on those thoughts. Vincent was dangerous, and she had to keep her distance for the sake of her unborn child. She had to focus on herself and the baby, to be strong and capable of taking care of both of them.

With determination, Inessa headed out to her pregnant mama workouts. She had started them a few weeks ago, determined to stay fit and healthy for her baby. The workouts were tough, and Inessa struggled to keep up with the other mamas. She missed Vincent's encouragement and support, but she knew that she had to keep going, no matter how hard it was.

As she entered the gym, Inessa couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. All the other mamas had come with their husbands, and there she was, alone. She felt the stares and snickers of the other women, their judgmental gazes making her feel small and vulnerable.

One woman, in particular, stood out. Katja, a snarky and mean-spirited woman, had always made comments about Inessa's status as a single mother. Inessa tried her best to ignore her, but today, Katja's words hit her hard.

"Look at her, all alone with her baby bump. Who's gonna take care of her and the baby? I bet she doesn't even know who the father is," Katja sneered, her voice dripping with venom.

Inessa felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was strong and capable. She pushed herself through the workout, feeling the burn of her muscles as she lifted weights and did squats.

After the workout, Inessa sat in her car, feeling drained and exhausted. She pulled out her phone, staring at Vincent's name on the blocked list. She felt a sense of longing, of sadness, but she knew that she had to stay strong.

Later that day, Inessa called Zariah over, eager for some company and a distraction from her thoughts. They sat in Inessa's kitchen, eating sushi and chatting about everything and anything. Inessa explained why she had played Vincent, and why she had left, and Zariah listened attentively, nodding understandingly.

"It must have been hard for you, Inessa. But you made the right choice. Vincent is dangerous, and you need to protect yourself and the baby," Zariah said, placing a hand on Inessa's arm.

Inessa smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that she had made the right decision, even if it was hard. She would focus on herself and the baby, stay strong and capable, and move forward with her life, no matter what challenges lay ahead.


Zariah walked through the front door of the mansion, her heart racing as she felt Vincent's gaze upon her. She tried to act as casual as possible, slipping off her shoes and hanging up her jacket.

"Where have you been, Zariah?" Vincent's voice was cold and demanding, causing her to flinch.

"I was with my mother," she lied, her eyes darting away from his piercing stare.

Vincent narrowed his eyes, not buying her excuse. "Don't lie to me, Zariah. I can tell when you're hiding something. Now tell me, where were you really?"

Zariah felt a knot forming in her stomach. She knew Vincent well enough to know that he wouldn't let this go, but she also knew that she couldn't betray Inessa's trust.

"I can't tell you, Vincent," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Vincent's expression darkened, and he took a step closer to her. "You will tell me, Zariah. I won't ask again."

Zariah swallowed hard, feeling trapped. She knew Vincent's temper, and she didn't want to anger him further, but she also didn't want to betray Inessa. In the end, she made the only choice she could.

"I can't tell you where Inessa is, Vincent. She asked me not to."

Vincent's eyes blazed with anger, and he grabbed Zariah's arm, causing her to yelp in pain. "You will tell me, Zariah. I won't ask again."

Zariah winced, tears welling up in her eyes. She knew she had to be strong for Inessa, but it was hard when faced with Vincent's rage.

"I'm sorry, Vincent. I can't do that."

Vincent released her arm, his jaw clenched. "Fine. But you know the consequences of keeping things from me."

Zariah shuddered as Vincent walked away, his footsteps echoing through the mansion. She knew that she had made a difficult choice, but she also knew that it was the right one. She just hoped that Inessa would be safe.


Vincent stormed into his office, his fists clenched and his mind consumed by anger. The weight of betrayal and the frustration of not knowing Inessa's whereabouts fueled his rage. He looked around the room, the familiar surroundings becoming distorted through his haze of fury.

Without a second thought, Vincent unleashed his wrath upon the office. He swept his arm across his desk, sending papers and objects flying through the air. He overturned shelves, smashed framed photographs against the wall, and kicked furniture, venting his pent-up emotions in a destructive outburst.

Elijah rushed into the room, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the scene before him. "Vincent, what are you doing?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

Vincent turned his furious gaze towards his younger brother, his breathing heavy and erratic. "She's gone, Elijah. She left me without a trace," he growled, his voice laced with pain and anger. "I can't stand not knowing where she is. It's tearing me apart."

Elijah cautiously approached Vincent, trying to calm him down. "I understand that you're angry and hurt, Vincent, but destroying everything won't solve anything. We need to find another way to deal with this."

Vincent glared at Elijah, his eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and desperation. "I can't think straight, Elijah. I need to find her. I need answers."

Just as Vincent was about to succumb to his uncontrollable rage, his phone rang, interrupting the chaos. He hastily answered the call, his voice filled with anticipation as he listened to the voice on the other end. It was a clue, a lead on Inessa's possible location.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Vincent's anger turned into determination. He abruptly ended the call and rushed out of his office, his mind focused on finding Inessa at any cost.

As Vincent arrived at the designated location, his hopes were dashed. It was a dead end, a cruel trick meant to taunt him. The anger within him boiled over once again, and he let out a roar of frustration, punching the wall in frustration.

Treyvon, who had accompanied Vincent, quickly moved to restrain him, using all his strength to hold his enraged friend back. "Vincent, calm down!" he shouted, struggling to control the seething fury radiating from Vincent.

Vincent's chest heaved with heavy breaths as he fought against Treyvon's hold. His eyes blazed with anger, disappointment, and the anguish of a love lost. The weight of his emotions threatened to consume him entirely.

Eventually, Vincent's strength waned, and he slumped against Treyvon's grip, his body trembling with a mixture of exhaustion and unresolved fury. It was clear that the search for Inessa had taken its toll on him, both physically and emotionally.

Treyvon held Vincent tightly, offering a supportive presence as he whispered words of reassurance. "Vincent, we'll find her. We won't give up. But right now, you need to take a step back and regain control of yourself. Let's go home and figure out our next move."

Vincent nodded weakly, his anger slowly subsiding as he allowed Treyvon to guide him away from the empty and haunting location. Deep down, he knew that he had to find a way to channel his emotions and make more calculated decisions if he wanted to reunite with Inessa and mend their shattered bond.

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