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Vincent had an important meeting scheduled, and he decided to take Inessa with him to assist in taking notes. He knew her attention to detail and impeccable organizational skills would be invaluable. As they entered the meeting room, Inessa couldn't help but feel the weight of the gazes upon her. The room was filled with older men, their eyes lingering on her, making her uncomfortable.

Vincent sensed Inessa's unease and whispered in her ear, "Remember, my love, you don't have to say a word. Just observe and jot down the key points."

Taking a deep breath, Inessa fought the urge to snap at the leering individuals. She knew it was essential to maintain her composure in a professional setting. Sitting next to Vincent, she forced a smile and directed her attention to the meeting agenda.

The men at the table continued to stare, their gazes unrelenting. Inessa bit her lip, a mix of frustration and annoyance bubbling within her. Seeking guidance, she glanced at Vincent, silently communicating her discomfort. He nodded subtly, indicating his understanding.

Inessa summoned her inner strength, her eyes flashing with defiance. Addressing the men with a hint of playfulness, she spoke up, "Gentlemen, I am well aware that I look smoking hot today, but that doesn't give you the right to stare. Staring at me comes at a cost, you see. So, if you're ready to pay up, then feel free to continue. Merzavtsev." (Merzavtsev= Bastards)

The men quickly averted their eyes, embarrassed by her confident response. Vincent looked at Inessa with an amused expression, admiration gleaming in his eyes. He admired her spirit and her ability to stand up for herself.

As the meeting commenced, Inessa focused on capturing every crucial detail, noting down key points, and summarizing the discussions. Her presence added a dynamic energy to the room, as she proved that she was not just a pretty face, but a capable and intelligent professional.

After the meeting concluded, Vincent and Inessa made their way back to the car. Vincent pulled her close, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "You were amazing in there, my love," he whispered. "There's something incredibly attractive about you when you're angry."

Inessa blushed, feeling a surge of pride mixed with affection. "Well, I couldn't let them intimidate me," she replied, her voice filled with determination. "I'm here to make a difference, and I won't let anyone undermine my abilities."

Vincent chuckled, his arm wrapped protectively around Inessa. "That's my fiery Russian," he said, his voice filled with adoration. "You continue to surprise me and make me fall deeper in love with you every day."

As they drove away, hand in hand, Inessa couldn't help but feel grateful for Vincent's unwavering support. With his love by her side, she knew she could conquer any obstacle that came their way. Their bond, forged through challenges and triumphs, was a testament to their unbreakable partnership.

Together, they would continue to face the world head-on, fearlessly pursuing their goals while cherishing the love that bound them together. Inessa had found her voice, and she was ready to make her mark, guided by the man who believed in her the most.


Inessa's phone rang, interrupting the peaceful evening she was spending with Vincent and Matteo. She glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was her aunt from Russia. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly answered the call.

"Здравствуйте, тетя," Inessa said, greeting her aunt in Russian. (Hello Aunt)

"Здравствуй, Инесса! Как дела?" her aunt replied, her voice filled with warmth. (Hello, Inessa! How is it going)

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