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Inessa stood frozen at the threshold of her home, her heart pounding in her chest as she held a crying Matteo in her arms. Her mind raced with a mixture of fear, confusion, and a glimmer of hope as she locked eyes with Vincent, standing on the other side of the door. His presence was both unexpected and unsettling, and she struggled to find her voice.

"Why are you here?" Inessa managed to utter, her voice laced with a combination of defiance and trepidation.

Vincent's gaze softened as he looked at Inessa and then at the crying baby in her arms. He took a deep breath, his emotions momentarily clouding his usually composed demeanor. "My team found you, Inessa. We need to talk."

Inessa hesitated, her instinct to protect herself and her son conflicting with the unfamiliar tenderness she saw in Vincent's eyes. She reluctantly handed Matteo to him, watching in awe as the baby's cries ceased almost instantly, finding solace in his father's arms. She moved slowly, her gaze never leaving Vincent, as she walked to Matteo's crib and gently laid him down, tucking him in with gentle care.

Seated across from each other, Inessa and Vincent were enveloped in an uneasy silence. Inessa's heart pounded in her chest as she wondered what Vincent had to say, and Vincent struggled to find the right words to convey the depth of his emotions.

"What do you want, Vincent?" Inessa finally spoke, her voice guarded and distant, her walls firmly in place.

Vincent's expression hardened slightly as he spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and desperation. "I want to take you and Matteo back to our hometown, Inessa. We need to be a family."

Inessa's eyes narrowed, her resolve strengthening. "I'm not going anywhere with you, Vincent. You brought this upon yourself, and I won't let you control my life anymore."

Vincent's grip tightened on her wrist, a silent warning of the consequences of defying him. "You have no choice, Inessa. I won't let you deny our son his father."

The tension between them thickened as they continued to argue, each word a sharp weapon aimed at the other's heart. Their voices rose and fell, the echoes of their past grievances punctuating the air around them.

Finally, Inessa relented, her resolve giving way to the realization that she had little choice but to comply. She packed her bag and Matteo's essentials, a sense of resignation settling within her. She climbed into the backseat of Vincent's car, Matteo nestled safely beside her, his small breaths lulling her into a temporary calm.

The car ride to Vincent's mansion was filled with a stifling silence, the weight of their unresolved issues hanging heavily between them. Inessa's gaze remained fixed outside the window, her thoughts consumed by the fear of what lay ahead.

As they arrived at the mansion, they stepped out of the car without exchanging a word. Inessa clutched Matteo protectively, shielding him from the turbulence of their relationship. The familiar grandeur of the mansion offered no comfort, the opulence feeling hollow against the fractured bond between them.

Inessa and Vincent ventured further into the mansion, the silence echoing through the empty halls. They retreated to separate rooms, seeking solace in their solitude. The walls held the memories of their love, their pain, and the shattered dreams that now defined their relationship.

As Inessa settled into her room, she looked at her sleeping son, the fragile innocence of his face stirring a mix of emotions within her. She vowed to protect him, to shield him from the chaos that had consumed their lives.


Days turned into weeks, and Inessa found herself settling into a routine. Vincent had given her and Matteo their own wing of the mansion to live in, and while it was luxurious, it felt more like a prison than a home. She spent her days caring for Matteo, struggling to adjust to motherhood while trying to ignore the constant presence of Vincent.

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