Chapter 15 leaving part 2

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Early the next morning the sullys where saying bye to Moa

"Take care of yourself"said neytiri giving him a hug then kissing him on the cheek

"Always do bye mama"said moa whispering that last part

"How you have survived without me is one of life's mysteries"said nin as she hug him hard

"I will miss you to"said moa

"I love you"

"I love you to"said nin

"Make sure to tell him"

"I will now go i don't want to cry"

"You don't cry it is impossible for you to do so"

"Bye"said Slywanin as he got on his ikran

"We will ride again my friend"said moa still holding her hand

"Counting on it"said Slywanin as she let go of his hand

Slywanin watch him fly away before turning on her heal and walking home and
grabbing her bow and arrows

Anouge found  Slywanin practicing with her bow and arrow on so rocks

"Hey"said Aonung as he walked over

"Anouge go away"


"Because i said so now leave me alone"

"Yeah not doing that"

"Aonung  i will hurt you just leave me alone"

"Tell me whats wrong"

Slywanin walk over pointing the tip of bow to his chest

"What's wrong ok how about my best friend mated and i wasn't there to protect him from his father how about everyone here still treats me like a monster and i don't need you so leave me alone"

" Slywanin everyone needs someone"said Aonung as he put his hand over the tip of the bow

"I have Neytam he's what I need"

"Then where is he"

"He knows when I mad to leave me alone"

"Well i'm not doing that talk to me what do you want"

"For you and everyone to leave me alone"

"I already told you i'm not doing that"

Slywanin looked at him then slap him hoping that make him leave

"I'm still not leaving"

"I'm so sorry i didn't know what i was doing"said  Slywanin as she looked at him

"Hey it's ok"

"What is wrong with me"whisper  Slywanin as she sat against a rock

"Nothing is wrong with you"

"There's a lot wrong with me i'm just a terrible person"

"No you a kind amazing beautiful person he has not alot of terrible crap happen to them"said Anouge as he knelt in front of her holding her hand

"Your just saying that"

"I'm not I-I look  Slywanin i really like you your amazing in every way you are an amazing warrior an amazing daughter and big sister your always protecting tuk and kiri trying to look after lo'ak and Neytam i know i have not made that easy for you and you don't and you always try and protect everyone even if it means you get hurt"

Slywanin brought her head up at his words he put a gentle finger under her chin and kiss her Aonung could feel a smile grow of on her face after a moment they both pull back see the giant grin on her face one grow on his face

"I have been waiting 5 months to do that"

"We've been her 5 months wait did you want me to kiss me after i beat you up

"Would it be weird if i say i did"

"Yes very"

"Then i didn't"said Aonung and he sat next to Slywanin intertwine their fingers together

"Did you really just kiss me to make to shut up"

"Don't ruin this moment"

An hour later they were still there finger still intertwined

"I should probably get home before my dad thinks i've run away"said Slywanin

"Do you want me to walk you home"said Anouge not really wanting this moment to end

"You don't have to"

"No I want to lets go"

"Are you sure your not to scared of my dad"said Slywanin as they stated me walk he had his arm around her shoulders

"I'm not scared of your dad"

"Yes you are the other day you ran away cause you didn't want to get caught by him"

"I just needed to get somewhere"

"Yeah totally"said  Slywanin as they got to her home

"See you later"

"If your lucky"said  Slywanin as she pulled herself up she turned around lay on her
stomach above him

"What are you doing"said Aonung in a joking voice

Slywanin leaned down and lightly kiss him they were in the back of her home so  no one saw was it bye design maybe maybe not 

"You should go before my dad catches you"

"Till we can run away and hide from our families again"said Aonung as he walked off

"Goodbye Skxawng"

Slywanin got up and walked into her room founding her older brother sitting there a stupid smile on his face

"Whats up lover girl"

"Neyetam whatever  you think you saw you didn't"

"But i'm pretty sure i saw you fish boy kiss"

"If you tell anyone especially  dad i will kill you"

"I won't say a word nin i'm happy for you"

"Oh shut up"

"Want to go and train"

"What why"said Slywanin looking him up and down

"Why not come on i might be able to take you down this time"said Neytam as he got up putting his arm around her as they walked out

"Keep dreaming but sure let's go"

"Where are you tow going"said lo'ak as he looked at them

"To train"

"Can we come"said  tuk

"Sure why not"said Neyetam

All the sully siblings walk out tuk jumps on Slywanin back while neyetam carries her bow

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