Chapter 6: Lessons on the water

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Early the next morning Nin was sitting outside her family's hut breathing in the salty air while fiddling with her bow.

"Morning Nin" a voice called out. Nin got up, drawing an arrow before realizing it was Anouge pulling himself out of the water.

"It's Sylwanin" she said, glaring as she sat back down, resting her bow on her legs and closing her eyes.

"Everyone calls you Nin though" Aonung said as he walked over, dripping water on her legs.

"People I like call me Nin, you can call me Sylwanin" she said, eyes still closed.

"Oh so you don't like me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Not in a slightest"

"Hey nin you good?" Neytam called, coming out and standing by his sister

"I'm fine, just go inside. I'll be there in a minute"

"You sure?" Neytam asked, his eyes flickering to Aonung then back to his sister.

"Neytam go inside. I am fine." she instructed.

"Ok, if you're sure," said Neytam, walking back inside. Nin looked back at Aonung who stood in front of her, a blank expression on his face.

"Is there anything else or have you just come to harass me?

"What was that" he questioned

"English, Neyetam and I learnt it when we were young"

"Sky people languages" He stated.

"Yes. Now is there anything else?"

"Yeah, your lesson will start today. Meet out here in like, 3 hours"

"Whatever"she said as she walked back into her home, hearing Aonung dive into the water behind her.

"Someones got a boyfriend" Joked Kiri, seeing her come in.

"Oh shut up Kiri, all know you like Spider" She snapped.

Kiri glared at her, Jake and Neytiri flicked a look at the two girls.

"Oh, Aonung told me that they'll start our training in 3 hours or so down on the beach," Nin remembered, sitting down and grabbing a piece of fruit while laying her bow beside her.

"Good. Nin keep your brothers in line and look after Tuk"

"Ok Jake, but let's be honest, can anyone really control them?" She joked.

"You're the Closest. thing that can" He said solemnly.

"Were not that bad" Lo'ak said, coming to sit beside her.

"You really are," Nin said as she started to fix his braids.

"Nin stop" muttered Lo'ak, hitting her hand away.

"Lo'ak let me fix them or I will hold you down. You know I can" she replied.

"Whatever" Lo'ak said, giving in, sulking as Nin did his hair.

All the sully kids are sitting outside except for Nin who was putting some beads in her hair when Neytiri came over.

"Nin honey, are you ok?" She asked, noticing that Nin looked upset.

"Why did they fight for me now? Why when I'm 17? Why not when I was 3?"

"I don't know darling, all I know is that I am so happy that you are my daughter"

Nin hugged Neytiri and she could feel Nin sniffling a little.

"Hey Nin, they're here" Kiri said, coming inside.

"Ok, I'll be out in a minute." Said nin as she let go of Neytiri. Kiri went to wait with the others.

"Will you be ok child?" asked Neytiri, pushing a piece of hair off Nin's face.

"I will be ok. I should go"

As she walked out she wiped her tears, grabbing her bow and putting it on her back.

"Are you ok Nin" asked neytam when he saw her.

"Fine. Let's go." She answers shortly.

"Are you sure?"

"Neytam, I'm fine," she snapped.

They all looked at each other then Nin noticed Tuk had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Tuk, I'm just a little tired" she said as she knelt to Tuk's level and hugged her.

"Ok" Whisper Tuk.

They all go and dive into the water. Nin watched as her siblings did it not so gracefully.

She dived into the water barely making a splash. After a bit her siblings went up for air so she followed them.

"Nin I'm tired" Tuk complained.

"Here Tuk put this over here and you can ride on my back"said nin as she put her bow a group of rocks then swam back over

"Are you ok"said Tsireya

"No your to fast"said tuk as she sat on nin back nin taking all her weight

Aonung came up and smirked at nin

"You aren't good at swimming maybe your better at swimming through trees"said aounge Tsireya hit him on the head in an attempt to shut him up

"And maybe i am better at plucking your eyes out of your head but i guess we will never know"said nin tuk giggled a bit kiri and lo'ak held back giggles to neytam hit her to shut her up

"Neytam i would like to remind you who did there dream hunt first tamed there ikran and can take down father"she said

"nin just shut it and dad was drunk when that happened"

A While later they were sitting practicing there breathing when Tsireya put her hands on lo'ak chest neytam shared a look nin they laugh a bit

"Nin what wrong" funny said tuk

"Nothing tuk do you want to go get so food"

"Yes please"

The two girls walk out off anouge watches them

"Stop staring at my sister"said neytam

"Whatever" mumbled anouge

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