Chapter 8: Fight between a couple of idiots and a warrior

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The next morning she was sitting in a palm tree, watching over her siblings as she often did.

Of course, they never knew she did this, but that was beside the point. Sylwanin was lost in thought,

thinking of Aonung. She was having very conflicted feelings about him. On the one hand, he was quite adorable.

On the other hand, he was an asshole, and had bullied her stupid brothers. Though he may not have been entirely at fault.

They were idiots after all. She was snapped out of her thoughts when several voices started yelling from down the beach.

Speak of the devil. There he was, along with her idiot brothers and Kiri. She slowly made her way down the tree.

Careful not to be seen. She could tell her brothers were on edge. She snuck up behind Aonung, doing the universal sign of being quiet to her siblings.

That's when she heard what Aonung was actually talking about.

"Well, she doesn't look like you!" Enough said pointedly.

"What's your point?!" Lo'ak yelled back.

"I bet she's not even your sister!" One of his buddies said with glee.

"Yeah," Aonung pitched in "Did your parents steal her? She's a freak! Just like the rest of you!"

It was obvious that Lo'ak was about to punch him. So Sylwanin intervened.

She giggled. That giggle turned into a full-blown laugh.

Aonung turned about.

His eyes wide. Suddenly she became serious. She looked behind Aonung as saw her siblings' faces go from shocked, to '

Oh shit, this is not gonna end well'.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion, Sylwanin raised her fist, slamming it down into Aonung  nose.

He fell to the ground, as his buddies leapt on her. They too were on the ground in thirty seconds flat. Sylwanin had not a hair out of place, still looking immaculate as always. She looked at her nails

"Can someone please give me a challenge for once?"

Before she could register it, Aonung grabbed her ankle, pulling her down.

She yelped, as she fell onto his chest. He winked at her.

"Heya gorgeous" He whispered so no one could hear him.

She jumped up automatically, blushing crimson.

She regained control of herself, even angrier now. She glanced at her siblings, and in that look they knew what she was saying. 'Go away, this is about to get gruesome.'

Neytam POV
Kiri, Lo'ak and I sprinted to find father, knowing how this would end up if we leave Sylwanin alone for too long.

She would probably murder someone. Then act like nothing happened. We dashed into the hut, calling for our parents.

"Dad! Nin-kill-soon-help-now-beach" I panted.

"Neytam, what are you saying?" Father asked, rolling his eyes. I took a deep breath,

then said "Nin's about to kill someone, we need your help, she's down on the beach now!"

"We might be too late!" Lo'ak exclaimed unhelpfully. I rolled my eyes as we headed down to the beach. Thankfully Sylwanin hadn't killed anyone. Yet.

3rd person POV
Her siblings came back with Jake trailing behind them. Sylwanin was leaning against a tree, inspecting her nails when they arrived.

"Sylwanin, what did you do?" An exasperated Jake said. "You didn't kill them did you?"
"Only a little," she replied with a shrug, before adding "and that one's only unconscious. I think." She kicked him in the side for good measure. He let out a wheeze. "Yep, still alive."

Jake shook his head. Then the chief and his wife came running over, having seen the three boys lying on the sand from their hut.

The chief looked at Jake. "Which of your children did this?" He questioned, glancing over to Neytam and Lo'ak, expecting it to be one of them.

They were both strong builds, but not too stocky. They looked like they could take on his son and friends.

But Jake said something that surprised him.

"My daughter, Sylwanin." He said, trying to hide his pride.

The chief was shocked. Looking between Jake and Nin, he noticed the grin on her face and the mischievous spark in her eye. He fought to keep down a grin of his own,

knowing that she was a strong warrior. He glanced down at the boys that were slowly getting up. Then he asked Nin,

"You, took down... all of them? In a matter of minutes?" She wasn't exactly buff.

The chief figured she was more of a strategic thinker. Sylwanins grin grew wider. Then she talked with sarcasm like a pro

. "I deeply apologize for the inconvenience, but they were quite weak. It was really easy to beat them. You should really train them better."

Jake's face quickly turned to horror. Knowing  that Nin had just directly insulted the chief. But instead of getting angry, he smiled. "I'll take that into consideration, thank you." He glanced at the boys. "I might get you to give them some additional lessons?"

He smirked at his son who was glaring at him. Nin smiled evilly.

"It would be an honor sir, give me a call whenever." Jake nodded at the chief in respect before dragging away Nin.

Jake had a real go at Neytam and Lo'ak, yelling at them about running off instead of holding her back. The boys complained that holding her back probably wasn't possible.
That stumped Jake,
he let out a long suffering sigh before letting them go. Sylwanin smirked as they walked past her, then turned around to follow them out

"Sylwanin, come here." Damn, she thought she'd been sly. Jake sighed again.

"Listen," He said in a serious voice, "We all know you could have killed those boys, at least  next time, give them a shot?" Sylwanin rolled her eyes, then reluctantly agreed.

"Yes Jake." She said, then just as she left, she whispered just loud enough for Jake to her: "Yea right, they never had a chance in the first place."

Jake fought to keep down his smile, then walked off laughing, seeing his wife giving him a funny look.

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