Chapter 17 My spirit sister is dead

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The next morning Slywanin was laying in bed exhausted she has curled up saying she had a headache her siblings had tried to get her up but when she didn't feel good she was a horrible person to be around

"Nin please come and eat something"said neytiri walking in

"Mom i'm fine just tired"

"I will leave you some food me and your father have to go somewhere"

"Ok thanks"

"Love you and honey"

Minutes after neteyam came in and flopped on her bed

"What do you want"

"What's wrong we both know that you don't have a headache"

"How do you know that"

"Cause your my sister and i know you come on tell me"

" l'ipo Row'lan"

"Why do you give them a second thought there out of our lives forever"

"Are we really sure about that are you sure they won't hunt me down take me back to the forest"

"If you think i will let them do that you have to get your head checked"

"Neteyam i'm just tired of them the way they still have control over me"said Slywanin as she wrap her arms around her brothers neck

"No one has ever had control over you you are a free spirit a brave amazing warrior and no one will ever control you"said neteyam as he held her then they heard the sound of horns they looked at each other in conversion they got up and walked over to the crowered of people Slywanin stayed to the back as neyetam walked up to near there father


"No no no no"Slywanin said to herself "This can't happen my family was finally happy"
The whole time everyone was yelling and arguing it came as an echo in to Slywanin mind like this was not close to her she let tears fall down her face she tried to hide it not wanting to look weak pulled her obsidian knife from its holder on her chest holding it to her side then quietly ran home grab her bow she was now determined to change something anything she ran out and saw her brothers arguing i run over i don't care what is going on but knowing how most of their fights end she had to intervene but she was to late she made eye contact with her brother just before he dived into the water
"He's going to pakan we have to go"said Neteyam not really directed to anyone

Slywanin quickly calls her liu making sure her bow is secure she is swearing at here stupid brother under her breath

"Lo'ak you stupid boy come back now"she yelled out he glance back but keep moving
When they got to pakan

'Oh shit"lo'ak siad spotting the tracker he jumped on trying to pull it out Slywanin jumped on grabbing the tracker helping her brother pull Aonung appeared next to her she flicked him a smile before quickly tying the piece of rope to it as the flew out they all feel back Aonung instantly wrap his arm around Slywanin waste they called there liu and the race was on they weaved in between the seaweed

Hey guys I know we have been Mia for awhile I'm sorry like really sorry we all have been stuff going with writers block but we are back I a, going to try and post one or twice a week depending on school and now that netball season has started

Again I really sorry for not posting

And watch out for spelling I have Dyslexia can can sometimes or spot them

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