Chapter 16 thats a fear fight

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When they arrive Slywanin helps tuk to do a couple shots till her brother catch her attention

"Are you two going to actually train or just lean against that tree doing nothink"

"Kiri not doing think"said lo'ak as he pushed off the tree signaly over to the girl who was looking in so rock pools

"Leave kiri alone now you two take me"

"That seems like a fear fight"said Aonung as he and his mates turn up

"Yeah he's right nin take all three of us that might even the playing field"

"No my offer was you two come on lo'ak your the mighty warrior remember"said Slywanin in joking voice

"Fine"mumbled lo'ak as he pulled his knife out Neteyam filled his action both knowing how this was going to end

"Here i will make it easier on you"said Slywanin pulling her knife out and handing it to Aonung  his friends that didn't witness the other beat down started to mumbled about this

"Nin will you go easy on Them"said Aonung

"Aonung we have talked about this it's Slywanin and no i will not"

Aonung rolled his eyes at this lean against a tree holding Slywanin knife in his hand 
He round it most entertaining watching her fight when he was not on the other side of it the fight ended with  Slywanin siding with one foot on each of her brothers chest

"Are we going to give up now"she tease

"Yeah whatever Nin lets us go"said lo'ak

"What no please"

"Please let us go"said Neyetam

Slywanin finally got of her brothers the little group of boys that had watch gave her a little clap she gave a bow

"So who's next"

"Yeah hell no"said Aonung handing  Slywanin her knife

After awhile  Slywanin was by some rocks fidling with her bow she was sitting down her feet in the water she suddenly felt a prestants behind her

"Aonung do you need something"said  Slywanin not even looking up at him

"How do you know it's me"said Aonung as he sat next to her

"How you stand your shadow oh and the reflection in the water"

"So smart"said Aonung as he got in to the water

"I know now what do you want"

"Want to hang out later tonight"

"Sure why not"said  Slywanin giving him  smile

And thats how that little romance started sneaking out not wanting their parents catching wind of what was going on Neyetam was the only sibling that knew for sure

that they were together they were happy just playing around during the day they would swim in the ocean play with different sea animals then at night they watch the stars just

talking about anything and everything when Aonung ask about the forest  Slywanin didn't stop talking for hours telling him all her memories conveniently   leaving anything about her bio parents he didn't mind he didn't want to know what had

Then the day the tulkun returned  changed everything

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