Chapter 23 their back

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It is midday Sylwanin is sitting in front of Aonung she is making a bralet and he is braiding her hair yes this is what his life has come to his tiny girlfriend telling him what to do

"Hey nung"she ask


"Which one"she said holding up a dark green and a blue stone


"Ok green"she said he can feel her smirk he just roll my eyes and keep doing her hair when we hear a sudden squawk

"What"said Sylwanin looking up "what are they doing here"

She jumps up and walks out

"Hey Sylwanin what's wrong"aonung say running after her

A group of 2 ikran land on the sand guy and a girl gets off

"What's going on"said Sylwanin getting up

I got up after her as we walk out many surround the three aonung put his hand on Sylwanin waste as they observe the three then he see it Sylwanin had stopped staring at the older ones

"Whats going on"said reya walking over

"Don't know"Aonung say then step back so he is beside Sylwanin

"are you ok"aonung whisper

"No"she says walking forward so she was still hidden in the crowds but could still see them

"Tonowari"said the older man

"Row'lan"said my father with a skeptical look "why have you come"

"Me and my mate want our daughter"

Sylwanin lets out a scoff making all attention turn to her

"Sylwanin my baby"said the woman walking over to Sylwanin who steps back

"Have you ever thought she didn't want you"​​Sylwanin says her body stiffening

"Sylwanin"said Row'lan

"No you don't deserve me so whatever reason you have for trying to get me back stop it's not worth either of our time"

Everyone's eyes were on Sylwanin as Jake and neytiri came out looking more pissed off then Sylwanin

"What are you two doing here"ask neytiri looking as if she is ready to kill them both

"We are here for your daughter"snapped l'ipo

Neytiri moved forward ronal put her arm out stopping the woman even tho her blood was boiling

"Come all of you with us"said tonowai

Jake neytiri tonowari ronal l'ipo and row'lan all walk up to tonwari and ronal home followed by Sylwanin

"We are not asking for much"said l'ipo once they were all inside all the other kids were outside listening

"You are asking to take my daughter"said neytiri Sylwanin was stood to the back quiet

"She is my daughter in ever way"said l'ipo

"I have not been your daughter in 19 years why can't you get that through your head you only tried to be my mother when it was convenient for you"Sylwanin says stepping up to l'ipo "and you"Sylwanin turns to row'lan "you just go along with everything the witch says"

Suddenly l'ipo raise her hand slapping Sylwanin across the face leaving the whole room silent neytiri has a look of death in her eyes

"You should never disrespect your mother"l'ipo screeched

"Why why won't you listen I am not your daughter and will never be I have my family you will never be apart of it so leave do not come back and if you ever put your hands on me again I will make sure you don't see another day"

"Really threatening"

"No promising"

Sylwanin turns around and walks sout seeing her siblings and aonung Reya and spider she almost starts crying lo'ak walks over wrapping an arm around her

"It's ok let's go"he whispered walking her away 

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