Chapter 18 The fight begins Sylwanin pov

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they weaved in between the seaweed dodging all the sky people machines I have tuk in front of me holding her close when a net cover us I hold tuk close as we are pulled front the water

"Niny I'm scared"siad tuk

"Be brave baby sister"I whisper holding her close while taking my bow off my back
"So little mrs feisty is back"quartich voice comes over us and we are dropped on the boat

"Fuck off"I say determined to sound confitant

"Nin shut it"I hear lo'ak voice and see him tied to the boat

"Are you ok"I ask


At his words I suddenly feel someone gripping my arm I look up to a soldier I push myself from the ground dropping my bow bring my elbow to this face knocking him down a couple other soldier come over grabbing me  pulling me over to were lo'ak and tuk were tied up

"You good"said lo'ak I look as a soldier push my bow into the water

"Far from"I say trying to formulate an escape plan

"Nin what you got"said lo'ak in a low voice

"wait"I say staring back at the ocean then an army of skim wings fly in landing in the water

All the voice go to deaf ears as I look around determined to get my little siblings off this death trap

"lo'ak"I say

"what"he  said

"When I say -"I am cut off by the fact that my father is coming to us no one else

"No no dad"I say staring at him we make eye contact I just shake my head but he keeps moving

Then there is a loud bang we all fly up I look pack and see pakan

"Thank eywa"I say then look back to my dad the whole army was coming for us we all start to pull on our cuffs

"Hey baby sister"I hear and see neteyam

"Good to see you"I say as he cuts our cuffs

"You to"

"Get tuk out of here go"said neyetam pushing both girls back

"Be safe"

"Always am love you"

"Love you"

As me and tuk swim away I can disaster everywhere

"Tuk stay here do not leave I will come back fro you"I say pulling my baby sister on to a rock hiding her well

"Nin where are you going"

"I will be back I love you"

"I'm scared"

"Be strong you are brave the bravest of us all"

"Nin kiri she is on the ship"screamed tuk

I follow her gaze

"I will get here please stay"

"No sully stick together"

Looking at my little sister determined face I knew if I left her then she would just go on her own

"Fine stay close"I say calling my liu over we get on I put tuk in front of me holding her close regretting ever destination I have made up to this point

"kiri"I say when we get to the moon pool

"Nin tuk"she said tears spiking her eyes

"Are you ok"I say reaching for my nife that is not there

"What are you doing"said a soldier before coming over pushing me back when I hit the water I heard a loud clap then my head is spinning I can hear tuk screaming while I flot to the ocean floor

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