Chapter 19 The death no one wanted Aonung pov

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Pulling Slywanin off the ocean floor is the most nerveraking thing I have had ever had to do the fight had long ended after getting kiri and tuk off the demon ship and back to where there family was morning no one had noticed that Slywanin was nowhere to be find neytiri was the first to leave determined to not lose another child jake was soon after I Check on my friends lo'ak was blaming himself kiri was in shock tuk was clutching onto neyetam arm

"Tsireya I'm going to go find Slywanin stay here don't let anyone leave"

"Nung please no"my sister cried obviously terrified

"I will be back"I say kissing her head then diving into the water

I swim around looking at reakage getting closer to the ship I start to see body's diving deeper the water starts to get darker I can feel my lungs burning when I am about to giving up and go to the surface I see faints lights under a mountain of metal swimming deeper my lungs burn harder ignoring it I then see sylwanin laying in the sand her hai spiraled out cuts on her chest stomach and thighs I swim fast picking her up quickly swimming to the surface

"Jake"I yell after breaking the surface of the water and seeing him

"You found her"said jake riding over taking his daughter out of my arms laying her in his own

"Yeah she has a pulse I checked"

"Go found tell neytiri I'm taking her back to the camp"

I just nodded as jake rides off
Hours later I am sat next to slywanin whipping her forehead with a cloth watching as her chest moved up and down

"She has been through enough"said Neytiri as she walked in eyes still red her skin stained with neyetam blood

"What do you mean"I ask

"Slywanin has had a hard life worse than all of my children I tried to protect her but couldn't"

"I'm sorry neytiri I still don't understand"

"She was left with me and jake at 2 weeks old her birth parents said just until they got some stuff figured out we didn't see them for 3 years they threatened to take her away they just confused her she would often cry through the night after the talked to her my daughter would fall asleep convinced they were going to take and we didn't love her"neytiri paused pushing hair off slywanin face "I don't hate many but I do hate them"

"Is she awake yet"said jake walking in

"no"I say "but is alive"

"How could we not have notice she was gone"whisper jake

"mom"Slywanin voice broke through the intense silence

"Oh thank the great mother"said neytiri grabbing slywanin hand

I take a step back so jake can take my spot

"Baby girl how do you feel"

"Fine where Neytam"

The whole room on the island goes quiet

"Mom please tell me alive"said slywanin in a shaky voice

Neytiri looked away

"Dad"she said her voice barely above a whisper

I can see the pain in both of their eyes

"Sylwanin Neyetam was shot"I start stepping foreward

"No no"she said looking at me begging for me to be lying

"I'm so sorry love but he didn't make it"I finish tears are already falling then a blood curdling scream fills the room neytiri holds Sylwanin close I walk out and are faced by lo'ak in Tsireya arms kiri sitting her head between her legs roxto sitting across from her holding her hand tuk was sat in the sand staring at the water

"She knows"I say

"Aonung is she in pain"ask kiri looking at me here eyes are full of tears"

"No physically"I say looking at the ground

"Aonung Tsireya you should go home"said my mom coming up

"Are you going to be ok"said Tsireya putting a hand on lo'ak cheek he nodded but doesn't make eye contact I wrap my arm around my little sister and walk her off roxto follows until we get to his family's home

"He was our age"said Tsireya as we walk into our home

"yeah"I Say not knowing what to say

"Are you to ok"said father walking in

"yes"I say not really meaning it

"No not at all"said Tsireya my father opens his arms Tsireya falls into him holding him close

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