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This story take place right after Kim's video was sent to Porchay. Right at the end of KinnPorsche.

Porchay's POV :

He was in an office larger than his own bedroom.
Back when he lived in his old parents house with his big brother Porsche.
You could smell the good smell of household products and coffee.
The man in front of him wore nice clothes, he was old but charming, like an adorable grandpa.
Only an act.
Like his evil son.
But he was the devil in person.

''You see.... It's a family secret. People always protect their family. Especially secret. Secret should not be said, don't you think so ?''

Porchay frowned.
He didn't really understand his presence here.
Has the old man lost in mind ?
Lately, everything didn't make sense anymore.

''I see. You're confused. Let me just explain to you that in my house, nothing happens that I don't know about.''

Porchay didn't react, he was just waiting for the old man to finish his monologue.
How long was he going to talk ?
This was boring.

''...This video of Kimhan. I know my son. I know he's trying to get you back. You know it too, right ? You kept it.''

So that's what the discussion is about.
Kimhan Theerapanyakul.
Long known as Wik for Porchay, but that, like everything else, was a lie.
A bittersweet memory.
Something Porchay wished to forget.

''I don't understand what you are trying to imply, sir...'' muttered Porchay crossing his arms.

"Well, I think it's best if you just stay...Well, strangers look good to me. I mean, you could also be some kind of friend but...See how Kinn and Porsche are doing lately ? I don't think you want to go through something so intense, right ? Let's not trouble ourselves more with some childish affection."

Porchay judged the man in front of him.
There was none.
No more child. No more affection.
He nodded slowly, why should he fight for something that wasn't real from the start ?
Kim's heart had chilled Porchay's.
Today, nothing else mattered.

''I know Kim. He will try to come back again and again. He's a bit like me..." said Korn while looking slightly annoyed.

''He's going to lock me in an apartment at his own place?'' questioned Chay tilting his head, his tone dry and provocative. "Like you did with my mom ?"

Korn fell silent, he looked down at his coffee cup, then he crossed his hands, looking down at young Porchay:

''I'm just asking you to go study at the university of your choice. I would pay absolutely anything you want.''

Porchay clenched his jaw, he didn't need a rich grandpa.
He already had his big brother who had lost his mind with dark stories that didn't even concern them.
Well, before the mafia messed up with his mother.

''I'm leaving.'' asserted Chay standing up. ''But away from all of you.''

The young man looked at the old man one last time and left.
He didn't only leave Korn's office, but also the whole Theerapanyakul's building and Kimhan.

A broken heart could make a person do something crazy.
It was indeed like a mind.

When the mind is broken, what happens?

Well, Porchay will actually meet them.

[ End of the intro ]


[ Disclaimer: this is a pure work of fiction and it's clearly not the reality of people suffering from Multiple Personalities Disorder. ]

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