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Moonshine POV - 🃏🃏🃏 - :

"What's your name again, motherfucker?"

Tea frowned, he put his hands respectfully in front of his chin.

"Sir, my name is Tea and I..."

"Ah, yeah..."

His master spat on the ground.
His hair was different from usual, it was gray.
Did Khun Kimhan decide to color his hair?
What the hell was wrong today ?

"Khun Kim...Can I help you with something?"

"Your weapon." he pointed his hand at Tea's hips with a big creepy grin. "Give it to me and go for a walk somewhere else, little pooch."

Tea hesitated for a moment, he held out his weapon and stared at his master.
Khun Kimhan was really different: he had many tattoos on his body, including a big one saying : Sunshine, Moonshine and LoveDie on his chest.
He couldn't understand the meaning...

"Sir... Should I get your car ready or should we go...? Khun Kim ?"

He grabbed the gun with a chuckle, then pulled a red lollipop from his pocket, snatched the wrapper wildly and slipped it into Tea's pocket, the poor bodyguard was completely dumbfounded :

"No. Get out."

"Yes sir."

Tea was gone in a second, he was confused and clearly not paid enough to deal with such scary guy.
Of course everyone knew that the younger Theerapanyakul was a fucking egoist and spoiled kid....But that was on a different level.
Tea had felt like he was facing a... Psychopath. Even Khun Vegas was less terrifying...

That night, Moonshine was walking quietly along an abandoned road, in front of him, there was a huge mountain.

"The little mouse is hiding in its hole..." Moon sang, advancing still further.

He had a big smile drawn with the blood of a guy who had had the misfortune to meet him... And wear a bloody flowered shirt.
Moonshine hated flowers.
Just the sight of a flower made him want to vomit.

"Hey you!" an old lady with a little dog called him. "Where are you going in the middle of the night ?"

She was sitting on an old plastic chair, looking tired.

"Oi old woman, isn't it a little late? Has death forgotten you?" Moon growled.

"How rude you are!" roared the old woman. "There's nothing for you here, go back to your city, crazy!"

Moon showed his watch, there was a red dot indicating a precise location.
He approached his little mouse...Soon he will find it.

"Shut up old lady."

The dog barked furiously and Moon took his gun which was strapped to his waist.

But the fucking dog...

The dog was barking so loud.

A dog.



Sunshine was sulking.
The bad dog had bitten him.
His friend, the nice puppy from the park, was always nice to Sun!

"It's not fair..." muttered the young boy.

He kept walking, he didn't really know where he should go, but his watch was flashing a funny color.
He was often tired and it was cold!
Usually his mom scolded him when he went out badly dressed!
Sun sighed, he was thirsty and there was nothing here but a stupid forest.

"Big boys don't cry..." Sun muttered to give himself courage because it was dark and it was scary.

Unfortunately, Sunshine didn't see a big stone on his way, he fell violently on the ground while screaming and started to cry.
His knee was all messed up and he was in pain.
It was so painful.
He hated the pain and he was afraid and he was cold!

"He-Help me...Ahhh Nong is in pain waaahhh..."

He needed an adult!


When Dan looked at his knee, he sighed and rolled his eyes.
He didn't even have a book with him today.

"Okay...where are we going?" sighed the man looking at his watch.

Judging by the gun on his waist, the madman had woken up first but the pain in his knee testified that the younger was there a second ago.
Dan was the oldest, he was aware he wasn't really real.

Dan's flashback :

"A fragment ?"

"Yes in response to trauma, Khun Kimhan's brain split into several fragments. You are obviously one of his fragments... Did you notice any other things?"

[ End of the small flashback ]

That's what a psychiatrist once told him.
Dan sighed again.
He knew only one thing with certainty: the heart of this body only wanted one thing...well, one person.
Maybe having a good conversation with this young man, Porchay Kittisawasd, would ease Kimhan's mind.
He hoped so, he didn't really like being bothered by the twins, Sun and Moon.

"Heh sir! Oh, sir!" shouted a little boy.

He ran to Dan, he had arrived at the entrance to a small village and a little boy had noticed him:

"Sir, have you seen my twin brother?"

"You lost your brother?" Dan asked calmly, catching the little one in his arms.

The child had one ear less, instead he had a big hole.
But he seemed especially panicked by the absence of his brother.

"P'Prince is blind, he often gets lost!"

"Oh...I can help you look for him..."

The little one tilted his head in confusion, he was reading Dan's lips with great seriousness.
Dan took a deep breath and he mouthed:

"I'm looking for someone too...let's look together."

"Okay! I'm Nong King."

"Nice to meet you, kid. I'm P'Dan."

The child seemed more reassured, he passed his small arms along Dan's neck and the two began to look for Nong Prince.

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