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Moonshine POV - 🃏🃏🃏 :


Moon was whistling as he walked quietly down the alley.
He had taken care to choose torn and damaged clothes, his favorites.
He looked cool, with his dusty hair and his gun slung over his shoulder.
Walking like an angel of death.


He avoided singing real lyrics, to avoid triggering that idiot LoveDie.
In fact, Moonshine felt like an anger other than his own was burning in his insides, maybe Kimhan's presence.
It amused him even more: it was so exciting...
Maybe that coward was ready to fight for real ?

''Hey YOU !!''

A first guy rushed at him, Moon slowly withdrew his lollipop before smiling:

"Hello, little piece of shit...Tell me where did my little mouse go?"

The guy frowned but tried to kick Moon.
Moonshine dodged before glaring at the man:

"I asked you a f.u.c.k.i.n.g question! ASSHOLE."

Moon took his gun while laughing like a madman, he shot the man's chest...Once, twice...Ten times.
Blood squirted everywhere and his face became smeared with the disgusting red liquid.
How funny but that tasted bad.

"Yuck..." Moon spat on the ground. ''That's why I always have a lollipop.''

He continued on his way, whistling.
An old abandoned building, once it was a coal factory.
You could smell the fire. There was also a thick gray smoke in the air.

''Hummm hummm....''

Someone had turned on an oven.
A thought flashed in Moon's mind : "Hurry".
Fucking coward.
He groaned and stepped forward.

''Hey, should we burn it after our diner ? It's gonna smell bad !'' mumbled a guy towards a white bag.

Moon was at the very top of the factory and stairs descended to about ten ovens.
Another guy in a white outfit finished his beer before shrugging:

''Khun Korn doesn't care about what we do...The goal is to reach his crazy son.''

Moon smiled.
Lovely daddy. Kimhan's father was really a fucking asshole.
Moonshine smashed a window with his gun before screaming with joy.

''Who's there?!'' yelled the second guy.

"Santa Claus is coming for you!" replied Moon laughing.

He jumped from his floor with the elegance of a cat to the ground.
His surprising arrival caused the first guy to scream, who recoiled and burned his hand in the hot oven.


''Moss! What the fuck are you playing at ?!''

His colleague tried to help him but Moonshine kicked him violently in the back and he fell over.

''Ai'Kao! You - little motherfucker! You are not allowed here !''

Moss, the one with the burnt hand, attempted to hit Moonshine with a scrap metal bat.
Moon stepped back, rocking his body quickly and he hit the man in the throat, the latter gasped and fell into the oven.

"Ding Dong dinner is ready motherfucker !" laughed Moon.

''You're completely sick!'' yelled Kao who straightened up with difficulty.

''Humhumhum...'' hissed Moon approaching the bag. He kicked in but the bag was empty. "...And you thought you could take what's mine?... I am tired of asking..."

Moon tilted his head, he grabbed Kao's hair and forced him into a kneeling position.

"Where's my little mouse?" Moon asked again, losing patience.

''What are you talking about?!'' mocked the guard with blood on the corner of his lips.

''Bad answer.''

Moonshine lost patience, he smashed the man's skull against the ground with a deafening noise.
A piece of brains flew into the oven and a repulsive black smoke rose in the air.

''My little mouse where are you?'' hissed Moon with a stifled laugh.

Only the fire that burned the bodies was loud.
This damn factory was deserted.
Where the fuck was the boy now ? Why everything started to be...so silent ?
It was almost oppressive. Damn it.
Kimhan was panicking again.

''Shit.'' growled Moon. "Is it too late?"

A childish voice screamed in his head, Sun yelled '' NOOO !''.
It was painful and horrible. suddenly several voices rang in his mind.

''Find him !''

''Calm down !''



Those voices were screaming as one.

"ARGH SHUT UP!" Moon yelled and fell to his knees trying to cover his ears. ''SHUT THE FUCK UP ARGHHH...''

It was painful.
Too much painful, even for Moonshine.
He tried to get up, but his vision was blurry.
Damn it.

''P'Kim do you love me ?''

''P'Kim all of your sides, I will love them all...''

''P'Kim I love you...''

''P'Kim do you love me ?''

Porchay's voice made Moon's brain going crazy.
He kept having flashbacks of the young boy.
His heart started to beat stronger and he could feel it.
He could feel fucking and disgusting...feeling of love.


''Khun Kim ! ''

A man ran towards him.
He looked completely confused and lost.

''Who ...?''

''Khun Kim this is your bodyguard, Tea ! I am Tea ! What the hell happened here !?''

''Argg...h...Where is the kid ?'' growled Moon.

Something was off.
Moon's couldn't stay...He felt someone's take over his place.
And now Kimhan was facing Tea :


''Khun...Kim ?''

Tea frowned.
He tried to calm down his master, but himself he was terrified.

''Khun Kim...Who are you talking about...Oh Porsche's little brother?''

Kim was hardly breathing, he felt like collapsing any time soon.
Something was screaming in his chest and he hated that feeling.
Why...What was happening?

''Khun Kim, Nong Porchay died last year already...''

Kim's brain was silent.
No more voices.

No more....Porchay.


Porchay Kittisawasd was dead.

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