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Moonshine POV - 🃏🃏🃏 :

Oh the pain.
His most faithful friend.
His favorit feeling that gave him so many delicious sensations.
He threw his head back and burst out laughing.

"What's going on...?"

Here.... How lovely. His little mouse caught in his trap.
Hello, young Chay.
Moon cracked his neck, still with a big amused smile.

"Finding you was so easy, little mouse."

"What the fuck...?"

The boy with the big doe eyes.
Porchay who loved flowers.
Those fucking flowers.
How Moonshine wanted to open his chest with his knife to admire his little beating heart.

"Did you come to hide in the mountains? Should we play hide and seek again ? I can't let you run away though...Not this time."

"I didn't hide." Porchay hissed as he walked away from Moonshine. "...And I am not running away!"

He looked slightly worried but also...annoyed ? How exciting.
Porchay was angry just like that day, at the bar.
When Moon had almost killed that guy for giving Chay's sweet mouth something he shouldn't have.
It was so exciting, Moonshine's cock hardened in his pants.
He was dying to rape his cute little mouse there on the filthy, cold floor.
Making him cry, scream and cum again and again.

"You thought you could run away from me? Haha...What a bad boy."

"You're just an idiot." Porchay growled. "I was really worried about you a few seconds ago!"

The young boy clenched his fists and wanted to hit Moon's chest, but he was faster, he twisted his wrist and burst out laughing.
This kid was so fun.

"ARGH ! P'Kim you're hurting me... Ouch... Let me go!" squealed the kid.

"Do I have to teach you some manners so that you become a good boy?" Moonshine whispered, he licked Porchay's ear and his muscles contracted to force Porchay under him.

"What...?! Fuck you..." Porchay hissed in pain.

Moon grabbed Chay's throat and he squeezed hard, forcing the young boy to kneel down in front of him.
Training the bad puppies was just as much fun as killing some random guy.

"Let me go..." begged Porchay whose eyes filled with tears.

He started shaking and he coughed.
But Moon's hand kept squeezing Porchay's throat and a pretty blue mark appeared.
It was wonderful.
So blue...
His favorite color....Ah.
Moon didn't care about colors....Why....Ah.
A pain shot through his brain and he backed away sharply.



Porchay was terrified, he backed away too, a hand on his throat.
The man in front of him was writhing in pain... His face changed expression several times, he was not calming down and looked like he was about to die.

"Are you trying to toy with me again?" whispered Porchay.


Slowly he walked up to Kim, he kept shaking.
Timidly he put a hand on Kimhan's cheek.
The latter blinked, once, twice....After five long seconds, he offered a shining smile to Porchay.

"Good morning !"


"Oh? Oh its the night, haha, Sun is stupid! I am sorry! Hello, P'Chay! I'm sorry for my brother too, he's very mean sometimes...Very mean."

Porchay was dumbfounded.
Kimhan was...far too strange.
In love then mad and suddenly he was acting...childish.

"Your brother ?" asked Porchay confused. "P'Kinn...or P'Tankhun?"

"OIIIIIiiii no, no, no. P'Chay you are wrong !" Sun sighed, rolling his eyes, as if Chay had just said something very stupid. "Moonshine. He's very mean. Beware of him! He's angry and he doesn't like flowers...but he loves suffering. I hate that! But I love blue. Your neck, it is super pretty."

"My neck ?"

Porchay put a hand on his neck and Sun smiled, his eyes sparkling with admiration.
He knelt in front of Porchay and played with Porchay's trembling hand.

"Are you cold P'Chay? Mommy always says you have to wear a coat, Sun, even if it's not raining."

"Wait...I don't understand. P'Kim...Uh...Nong Sun....your mommy...? Isn't she de-..."

Sun's large black eyes stared into Chay's.
He smiled innocently....But talking about his mom was something sad. He didn't like it.

"He can talk about it better."

"Who ?"

"The oldest one!"

Porchay bit his cheek, he really didn't understand what Kimhan was saying.
But this Kim was really...Strange. Had he suddenly gone mad?
He tried to take his phone from the table and dropped a book.


"A book."

"Yes..Uh..." Chay didn't know how to react anymore.

Kim stood up, retrieved the item, and read the cover with great interest before frowning.

"I don't have my glasses with me right now, it's a shame."

"...You..You have bad eyesight...?" wondered Porchay.

He was persuaded to be dreaming.
It all made no sense, like in a dream. But the burning in his throat made him swallow hard.
Not it wasn't real.

"He hurt you."

"He..? Who are you talking about ?"


Kimhan closed the book, he laid it gently on Porchay's wooden table.
Then he slowly approached the young man and his hand brushed Chay's throat.

"I guess it's good that he didn't kill you.. At least for now."

"I really don't understand what's going on..."

"I know. I'm Dan by the way. But you can call me whatever you want, I don't care."


Porchay slowly sat up on his small bed.
He gripped his knees, for a kind of protective hug and his eyes never left the man in front of him.

"I was confused too." confessed the man with a sigh. "I went to a psychiatrist to understand. This guy...Well, Kimhan Theerapanyakul...He is...His brain was having too much trouble dealing with his problems. Do you understand?"

Slowly Porchay looked down.

"Me...I was a big problem too?"

"Just one more element... Each one of us is an answer to a problem... For example, to compose his songs there is the singer one... LoveDie."


"Ah...You called him P'Wik, I believe. He's...very straightforward and a bit too romantic."

Porchay nodded slowly, still confused, but listening was better than getting hit.
At least...That Dan guy seemed calmer.

"So...P'Kim...no. His brain needed to create songs...so he created this...uh..."

"We're all him. I know it's complicated. But I... Well. Our brains is broken but our souls is still the same. I'm the oldest and I'm there when a responsible adult has to take care of the situation. Moon is....Let's not talk about him. Sun is a child... The child we never were. Do you understand? It's like having an actor in front of you : we are one person but with... different roles."

Without really knowing why, Porchay felt his heart break.
His dream was really too awful...
Kimhan...couldn't suffer that much because of him...
No it wasn't real.
Please, could it be not real ?!

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