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Kim POV - 💔💔💔 :

Kimhan opened his eyes and saw a girl with big green eyes staring at him curiously.

"Ohhh Doctor Puen! The man is awake!"

Kim frowned, he sat up on the little military bed.
He was in a kind of old wooden cabin and in the middle of... A forest?!
What the hell was happening?

"Ah... Hello young boy. You're Professor Porchay's friend right?"

"P-Porchay?" His own voice was hoarse.

He had trouble swallowing his saliva and his eyes were watery...as if he had been crying.
The doctor, a gentle-looking man, carried the little girl in his arms:

"My pretty Nina, could you go tell your teacher that his friend is awake?"

"Yes, Doctor Puen. I will run as fast as possible!"

"I know you're the fastest of all your friends, but be careful, okay? Do not fall !"

"Yes doc !"

The doctor lowered the little girl to the ground, and Kimhan noticed... that she was missing a leg.
Instead of her right leg, she had a pink plastic leg.

"Where I am ?"

"Oh wait you need some water first!" the doctor turned to Kim with a small apologetic smile, he handed him a small mug. "Are you here for the support program too? Like young Porchay? He told us you were friends..."

"I...I'm not sure how I actually got here."

Doctor Puen frowned, he shook his head negatively with a disapproving air:

"I hope you didn't come here hoping to just drink and party. These kids really need help. They doesn't need people who doesn't care about them. They give theirs hearts really easily, don't break it."

"No, I'm not here for...Anyway. Why is there so many children here?"

The doctor mumbled some words while looking at vials of medicine, he grabbed a painkiller and gave it to Kim before sighing:

"This is a village for children whose life have been cruel to them."

"I don't understand..."

"Well, if you can spare some of your time, listen to their story, they'll be happy to talk to you. Our adorable Nina seems to like you already."

The little girl with green eyes and a missing leg.
Kim frowned, he was confused but his curiosity pushed him to question the doctor:

"Why does her eyes...are so green?"

"Chemicals injected by corrupt surgeons. So people in this world are really rotten to the core. They hurt them...And we are trying to give them some happiness back."

Kim's heart froze.
He hated seeing children in pain.
He hated his own childhood, as the son of a mob boss.
He had seen and heard things....Like all his children in the village, Kimhan had actually his place here.


Porchay POV :

"It's my toy!"

"No,King, it's mine! Give it back !"

Porchay rolled his eyes.
That night he had watched over Kimhan in the infirmary and this morning he had to manage the children's breakfast alone.
He had barely a second to think about his own feelings.

"P'Chay, Arthit stole my nose again!" cried a little girl.

"It's not true, P'Chay, P'Fah took my banana!" shouted another child.

Porchay was so tired that he nearly tripped over the poor little Nina.

"Nina don't run in the canteen, it's dangerous!"

"Ohhh I'm sorry, hello mister Chay! I have something to tell you !"

Porchay hugged the little one, of all the other children she was the smallest here.
She tossed back her black hair and her green eyes plunged mischievously into Porchay's nutty ones:

"Your friend, the handsome Phi, is awake!"

"Thank you...Go eat your breakfast now, little princess."

Nina nodded, suddenly frowning and grimacing.
Her eyes must have hurt this morning, because she kept rubbing them.
Porchay felt sorry for her, but very quickly, he had to prevent King and Prince, the evil twins from killing each other!

{ A long hard hour later }

Porchay could finally go to the infirmary.
Professor Kamol had come to watch the children and allow Porchay to find P'Kim....
The latter was still sitting on the small military bed, looking confused.

"Hello P'Kim."


"Oii Nong Chay, your friend is alright, but not so talkative haha...I am gonna...Go !"

The doctor noticed the somewhat cold atmosphere between the two men.
He excused himself and left quickly, claiming to want to eat too.
Porchay hesitated, but he sat down on a wooden table in front of Kim and looked down.

"I don't know why you came here too... But you can go back now that you are better. This is not a place for you."

"I...came for the program."

"The program? But I'm already here as a music teacher.."

"Not... Just...Well..."

Kim bit his lip, he nodded slowly before playing nervously with his ring.
He had...wounds on his arm.
Porchay's heart stopped for a moment.
He had so many cuts...deep and some so red...
Oh. No.
Porchay was about to cry.

"I am..."

"P'Kim...What have you done ? Have you lost your mind ?! Why did you...Oiii !"

Kim wasn't looking at Porchay anymore, he started panting loudly.
Kimhan was having a panic attack.

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