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Porchay POV :

Porchay could not see a thing.
He held out his hand and the young boy caught it, laughing.

"You can do it P'Chay!"

Porchay had a scarf blindfolding him, it was a little challenge from Nong Prince.
The child laughed happily as he heard Chay drop water.

"You missed the glass!"

"Ah... Sorry... But you know, it's late, you should go to bed, don't you think? We could play again tomorrow..."

Porchay went to remove the piece of fabric but the child burst out laughing again:

"How can I know if it's night or day? I can't see... This is so funny, please one more time."

Porchay bit his cheek, he blushed with shame and sighed.
Footsteps to his right made him raise his head.

"Khun Kamol?"

"No !" another child voice responded him. "Priiinceee, I was worried !"

Porchay slowly straightened up, he was sitting on the ground to play with Nong Prince.
He could smell a strange smell and someone slightly taller than him.

"Who is this ?"

"Ah, it's P'Dan. Oh P'Chay you decided to do an experiment? This is funny..." asked King, Prince's twin brother.

Porchay could recognize his voice easily, slightly higher than his brother's, this little boy had had an accident and he had lost an ear.
While Prince was blind, King was partially deaf.
The two brothers had been victims of their mother's madness, too poor to support them, she had tried to kill them and she had committed suicide last year.


"P'Chay was trying to drink a glass of water!" sneered Prince. "He got it all over the place, right King? I heard the water going down hehe..Can you see ?"

Porchay still couldn't see anything, but he could feel his heart beating slightly faster.
The man, Dan, he sighed, gave a low bow to King and left.

"Oh no not already!" sighed King. "P'Chay, P'Dan is really handsome, you should see him! He look like a superhero !" whispered King.

Porchay pretended to cough, he took off his blindfold and took off his gray jacket to put it on Nong Prince'shoulders :

"Children, go to bed now and stop talking to strangers, it's dangerous."

"But P'Dan, he said that you guys kno-..."

"Leave it, we're going to get scolded!" groan Prince. "We are going to sleep now, thank you for playing with me, P'Chay !"

Porchay smiled tenderly, he accompanied the children back to their cabins.
He hadn't seen the stranger... It was strange.
In this small village, there was only one woman, the mayor, the teacher and an elderly doctor.

"Excuse me !" Porchay cried, noticing a figure descending a muddy path. "Hey wait!"

Porchay fell...Oh shit.
Finally, he had slipped on mud.
He tipped forward, his body hitting the man's back and the two fell and rolled to the ground.

"Ow...ouch...ouch..." Chay closed his eyes, he was hurting all over and above all he was crushing the man! "Oh I am sorry ! So sorry..."


A little laugh.
A sound... that Porchay knew.
Oh. Chay slowly opened his big doe eyes.


"I fell for you again..." Kim sighed with a soft smile on his lips.

Porchay thought he was dreaming for a moment, but Kimhan hugged him and Chay's heart rumbled.
What the hell was Kimhan Theerapanyakul doing here ?
Oh oh.
Kim lifted his chin gently and he kissed him.
He fucking...kissed Porchay.


LoveDie slid his tongue gently into the younger boy's mouth.
His fan.
The one he had noticed the day of his first concert.
The only one is heart was beating for.
Ah, his chest was like a storm of emotions, joy, happiness, love, desire, desires...
Porchay's mouth was delicious, like ice cream in summer.
Soft and cool, his lips tasted sweet.
If only he could stop time right now, he would sacrifice everything for this very moment.

"I..." the young boy pushed him away slowly, his reddened cheeks having the most adorable color that Love had seen in this world. "W-Why...?"

"I missed you." whispered the singer.

Well, that was all he needed.
All he had wished for.
All he was dying for.
That warm body against his, his heart screaming with love, the sky above them shone like their eyes.
A simple hug.
But the feeling of Love.
How divine...How beautiful...
His lover was in his arms, safe and sound, and he kissed him again.

"How the hell did you find me...?" Porchay mumbled as he sat up, he winced, his back ached.

"My heart always knows where its half is."

Chay rolled his eyes, but he helped the singer up.
LoveDie had fallen pretty hard on the ground, but nothing mattered.
The two boys exchanged a look without saying a word, but Porchay looked confused.

"You have changed."

"That's what happens when you fall in love."

"Can you stop your lame flirting attempts?" Chay growled, clenching his fists.

The singer's heart sank.
Why did his lover look so angry? Was he..mad at him ?
He didn't know why, a great sadness invaded his chest and he blinked quickly.

"Hey! What's wrong? P'Kim?!"

He collapsed again on the dusty ground.
The pain of a bruised heart was unbearable.
The world spun and his body was burning.
Love wanted to reassure his young fan by caressing his cheek, but he was unable: he passed out.

"P'KIM !!!!"


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