We'll Save Him

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Ever since Emily got back, I couldn't stay away from her. Every case we would sneak into each others hotel rooms and talk, have sex, hang out. It was different.

I woke up today in her arms, just like the time before. But she didn't freak out. When she woke up she hugged me tighter. I loved it. I loved her. Just like I did all those years ago.

Before Henry. Before Will. Before it all got too complicated. I love Henry and I love Will, but I'm in love with Emily. I always have been, even when she was gone.

My phone rang and she let me go to grab it. I took it from her hand and answered it. "Hey JJ. I know you are coming home today but I got called in so Henry is with the babysitter." Will said.

"Ok. Thanks. Love you." He said the same and hung up. Emily and I stayed in bed until Hotch texted we had to go.

At the BAU we got a call about a bank robbery. The team got in the SUV's and drove downtown. I saw a Will and ran up to him, he looked like something was wrong. "What's happening?" I asked.

"They shot my partner and want me to go in." He looked back at his captain before turning back to me, he was going to do it. "Will you can't. Henry needs a dad."

"Jennifer a ton of people might die if I stay here. I can't take that chance." He grabbed my hand and I looked back at my team. "There's got to be a better plan." Emily's eyes widened and Morgan got closer to me.

"What?" When I turned to look towards the bank, Will was walking in, hands up. Derek grabbed my waist as I tried to run in after him. "Derek let go, he can't do this." Emily grabbed onto my shoulder as I fought it Derek's arms.

When the door was closed, he let me go. Emily replaced him and held me back. I turned to hug her and she accepted it. "He'll be okay. He'll be fine." She whispered.

They brought me back to the van and I watched as Will was shot and on the ground. Emily squeezed my hand as tears started falling down my face.

It all became too much so Emily took my hand and led me outside. "What am I supposed to tell Henry? How do you tell a kid his dad is dead?" I whispered.

"We don't know he died. We saw him get shot while wearing a vest. That's it." I nodded and leaned against a police car. "I need you to promise me something."She nodded and smiled. "Anything."

"Promise me that you'll save him. That we'll save him." Her smile dropped for a second before she shook her head. "I can't do that." I knew she couldn't. We were never supposed to promise what we couldn't do.

"Emily just promise me we'll save him. Please." I begged. She shook her head again. "Please Emily!" I yelled. Not expecting this, she nodded and smiled again.

"I promise I'll save him."

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