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Emani sat at her desk which was placed in the middle of the quiet classroom; she was in a deep slumber

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Emani sat at her desk which was placed in the middle of the quiet classroom; she was in a deep slumber.

Her mouth slightly open exposing her green rubber-banded braces; slobber dripping onto the sleeve of her grey hoodie. A slight snore began to escape her mouth.

Mehkai looked up from his phone and around the classroom to find where the snoring was coming from. He looked at everyone's faces as their eyes were on Emani; including the teacher. Some were even laughing.

"Kai." Mrs. Ferrell called him. "You better wake your friend up before I do, and when I wake her up, she's not gonna' be happy."

Mehkai stood up and walked up to the front of the classroom then down the aisle to Emani's desk. "Mani." He tapped her desk repeatedly. "Mani." He began shaking her. She quickly sat up with widened eyes looking around as her heart raced.

The class began laughing. Emani looked down at her lap in embarrassment. "If you're not going to stay awake in my class Emani, i'm going to have to kick you out and make a phone call home."

Mehkai went up to Mrs. Ferrell's desk and whispered, "Youn' gotta' call home; she eighteen; she grown. I'll talk to ha' Mrs. Ferrell just don't call home."

"Sorry Kai but, action has to be taken. This is unacceptable behavior. She comes in my class everyday and falls asleep."

Mehkai huffed. "What's ha' grade in here?"

"Sorry Kai, but that information is to be kept between me, the student and her parent or guardian."

Mehkai felt deep sympathy for Emani. She suffers from Type 2 Narcolepsy and is deeply embarrassed about it.

When she got to the age where her father allowed her to take her medication on her own, she stopped taking it. She was in denial of the disorder because it was so silly and humiliating to her.

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