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"Donovan, get it together nigga." Ricky lectured as he watched Donovan tumble down the stairs of the building. "Come on." Donovan sprinted off to the car making Ricky rush down the stairs following behind him.

Ja's team was in a rush to get him ready to finish his interview so he could make it to Emani's graduation.

Racquel went and scheduled Ja for this interview knowing how much he wanted to go to her graduation. She compromised with him and told him they'll try to get him there when he finishes the interview.

Ja stressed all week to his management team that it was mandatory he was at that graduation. With Emani coming up in the industry and Ja having so many interviews during off-season, their schedules were slowly becoming too busy for one another.

Emani had two extra tickets left so she gave one to Ja. The other ticket Ja asked to give to Racquel since she goes everywhere with him. Emani wasn't expecting Ja at all, she told him don't stress about coming but he didn't listen, as usual.

"Ricky grab that airbrush off the floor." Donovan looked back as he dropped a couple things on his way up the stairs.

Ricky sighed picking up all of the materials and the two made their way inside.

The two rushed all the way to the set only to find out the show was already airing.

"Sorry, he really wanted to get it over with. You guys were taking forever!" Racquel whispered.

"Mmcht." Donovan kissed his teeth trying his hardest not to drop everything right then and there.

"Are you sure you still want to go? You'll make it there around 2:30-3 and her graduation starts at 1

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"Are you sure you still want to go? You'll make it there around 2:30-3 and her graduation starts at 1." Racquel questioned watching Ja pace back and forth on his phone. He was watching trying to figure out how to watch the livestream of her graduation from his phone.

"Even if ion' get to see her walk the stage, I just wanna' my baby." Ja rocked side to side not taking his eyes off of his phone.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐎𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now