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"Baby." Ja knocked twice gently on the bathroom door with his knuckle. It took some time for Emani to answer with a gentle "Yes?"

"You good mama? You need sumn'?" Ja leaned against the door.

"No, i'm okay." Emani shifted from her knees to sit on her bottom in front of the toilet. Emani was suffering from a hangover. She wasn't throwing up or anything she just felt extremely nauseous and had a severe headache.

Surprisingly whether or not she was throwing up, Ja still wanted to be all up under her. There is nothing about her that he finds distasteful because he is so infatuated with her.

All he wanted was for her to share her pain with him so that she wouldn't have to endure this on her birthday; he felt so bad for his baby.

"You sure youn' want me to come in?"

"No. I'm already embarrassed enough as it is." Her voice muttered from behind the door. "I don't remember sayin' any of that." She sniffled.

Ja had briefly told her about everything that had happened the night before, including how she got drunk and every last word she said.

She was very embarrassed, and she would never talk to anyone about the trauma she had experienced from being molested by her mother's mother. Ja was careful not to discuss anything she said because he didn't want to make her feel any more uncomfortable than she already was.

He knew that intoxicated people only spoke sober thoughts, so he wasn't going to bother her about it. If she didn't meant to tell him that, he wasn't going to push the envelope and respect her boundaries.

"It's nothin' to be embarrassed bout', love. I promise." Ja raised his hand and placed his tatted forearm against the door frame.

Ja didn't receive a response back from Emani. Instead, he heard scrambling come from the other side of the door before Emani came to the door and opened it, immediately meeting Ja's gaze.

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