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"Hey Suga'." Ja smiled kneeling down to pet his fathers dog. She was a goldendoodle, possessing all of the characteristics of the breed, including both physical and emotional attributes.

"Well hello my beloved, smart, talented, well behaved, rich brother." His little sister, Teniya clung onto his neck as he stood up. "Did I say rich?" She looked up at him with a mischievous grin.

"Ion' got no money. Move." He pushed her causing her to stumble back with a frown. Ja chuckled at her expression before pulling her into a hug wrapping his arm around her. "Oh how I miss my spoiled n' ungrateful li' sister."

"I'm not spoiled and ungrateful, just spoiled." She pulled away. "Is that my son I hear?" Ja's father, Tank, walked into the front foyer area.

"Wassup' pops." He slapped his fathers hand before the two pulled one another into a brief hug. "Bout' time you stop runnin' around wit' that girl n' come see yo' daddy." He told him making him chuckle. "Nah, i'm just playin' wit' you son. But, when will we meet this girl that you be posted up onna' gram wit'?"

Ja jerked his head back squinting his eyes nearly shut. "You only see dem' blogs post us. I never post her."

"Well don't you think there's something wrong with that? The blogs post your girl and you don't? Hmmm." Teniya hummed tapping her chin with her index finger walking to the couch.

"What I needa' post ha' fa'?" Ja followed her to the living room tucking his hands in the pockets of his puffer coat as well as their father.

"Boy what you mean? If I had a girl as pretty as her, I would post her everyday. She deserves to be shown off as pretty as she is." Teniya explained to him.

"Well dats' why she got ha' own page. Ain't it?" He said making Teniya's mouth drop. "Oh I hope she drop you just for saying that." She leaned back on the couch pulling out her phone.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐎𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now