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Naruko had pinned Sasuke before. But this time was different somehow. She blamed Kurama mostly for putting those perverted thoughts in her head. But mostly, she knew the real reason. They weren't little bickering Genin anymore.

She was a grown woman, with a very much grown man underneath her. If anyone walked in on them now, it would look incredibly suggestive. She was contemplating how to punish Sasuke for being a bastard, she felt him try to move her off of him. That didn't exactly go as planned.

"Fuck!" Sasuke groans.

"Nhh!" Naruko couldn't help but agree.

Her clothed womanhood accidentally brushed up against him. She gasps when she felt him pressed so intimately against her and heard Sasuke groan. If it felt this good with clothes ON, she wondered what skin to skin contact actually felt like. She could feel her face heating up at the thought.

Naruko wasn't really thinking straight. It was all just so hypnotic. She could feel him underneath her. The blonde was surrounded the scent of pine trees, sandalwood, summer rain. The rain and trees she understood. They lived in the Leaf Village and it was pouring outside. The sandalwood though, that was Sasuke's natural scent. But mostly, it was those ruby red eyes.

"Don't leave me again, okay?" She whispers into his ear and she felt Sasuke nod.

"I wouldn't have come back this time, if I wasn't going to stay." He tells her and could feel him glide his hands along her back.

Naruko closes her eyes and sighs in pleasure. It was such a strange sensation. The gentle caresses were equal parts sensual and comforting. It almost felt like he was trying to comfort her.

Sasuke smiles. She was just so cute at the moment. It almost looked like she was actually a fox who was enjoying being petted. He blamed it mostly on the whisker like markings on her cheeks. Whatever the reason, for a moment he forgot about everything else but her.

"You might be Hokage now, but you've never been able to keep me pinned." He murmurs as he reverses their position and claims her mouth with his own.

He saw Naruko's eyes fly open in shock. Sasuke was vaguely aware of her making a muffled sound of surprise. But as she wasn't actively protesting, he decided to sate his curiosity.

They had "kissed" twice before. But both times had been brief and accidents. He hadn't really had a chance to determine if he liked kissing her or not. Now he did. This wasn't an accident. This time he could explore.

Oranges. She tasted like oranges. It was a natural and pure flavor. He decided he liked it. Her lips felt soft against his. He sets about exploring her mouth with his own, his tongue trying to coax hers to dance with his own. He didn't know the act of kissing could be so…erotic.

"You are such a cocky bastard!" Naruko murmurs between kisses.

The blonde could feel him smirk into the kiss. It was hard to process, but Sasuke was kissing her. He was really kissing her. This wasn't like before. It wasn't an accident and apparently, the last Uchiha knew exactly how to kiss her in a way that left her desperate for more.

Where had he learned how to use his tongue like that? Oh fuck it. Who cared? It just felt really good. She tries to return the favor and moans when that seemed to just make him kiss her harder.

"I never claimed otherwise." He says as he breaks the kiss and he blinks when he realizes what he had just done.

Sasuke had just kissed Naruko. He could pawn this one off as an accident. It had been too long and too passionate for that. The last Uchiha had spent years trying to deny that he loved her or at least not act on it. And all that just went up in smoke in five minutes. Damn it.

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