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Really, it was a miracle. It was a miracle that Sasuke and Naruko had managed to sneak away from their own wedding. Everyone wanted to offer their congratulations or in Sasuke's case some threats.

"Damn. I thought they were never going to shut up." Naruko says with a giggle.

People might not have always been thrilled that Sasuke was the groom, but it wasn't every day that a war hero like Naruko got married. No one wanted to miss the chance to speak with the Hokage. The blonde was very gracious and endured the countless well wishes.

"I was beginning to wonder that myself." Her lover agrees as he helps her get onto the back of Garuda.

Sasuke allowed people to give their hallow threats. He was mostly humoring Naruko by playing nicely. Besides, their opinions didn't really matter to him. The last Uchiha had married the love of his life and nothing that they could say, would change that fact.

Garuda was a giant hawk. He was one of Sasuke's summons. While the Uchiha tried to block out most of the time he had spent in the Sound Village, he couldn't deny that he had learned many useful things while there. One of those things was how to summon Aoda and Garuda.

"Yeah. I guess they were a little overexcited. Um are you sure this is safe? He doesn't mind when we ride him?" Naruko asks.

"Of course, it's safe. I wouldn't have asked you to get on him, if it wasn't. It's no more different than you riding one of your toad summons." Sasuke assures her as he helps her get onto the massive bird's back.

Naruko considers this for a moment and then nods. Well her new husband raised a couple of good points there. She couldn't really argue with that logic.

Husband. That was going to take some getting used to. The word felt entirely foreign on her tongue or even in her head, but in a good way. Sasuke was her husband now. She was his wife. It all felt rather surreal.

"That's true. So where are we going?" The bride asks brightly and smiles as she wraps her arms around Sasuke's waist.

"It's a surprise. I think you'll like it though." Sasuke says as they take off.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Waterfall Village. Apparently, Sasuke had talked to Shibuki into letting them Honeymoon in the reclusive village. He remembered how Team Seven had helped him all those years ago and was thus more positively inclined towards the eldest Uchiha than most. That and the fact that Naruko was a war hero probably helped.

"No way. How'd you get them to let us stay here? Aren't they worried that someone will follow us and find out where they live?" The young bride asks.

"I doubt anyone is dumb enough to follow us on our Honeymoon. They'd have to be pretty suicidal to do that. Shibuki knows that too. So he's not worried. Do you like it?" Sasuke asks.

"I love it. It's really beautiful here and private. It'll be nice not to have to sign a bunch of autographs while we are on our Honeymoon." The blue eyed ninja responds merrily.

Sasuke shakes his head in amusement. He knew Naruko. She loved the limelight. She always had. No one enjoyed humoring their fans more than her. While he was infamous, she was just simply famous.

"I thought so as well. I wouldn't want one of your admirers to walk in on us while we were properly celebrating our Honeymoon. I'm not really an exhibitionist." The raven haired groom says.

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