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Sai frowns as he listens to the reports from his ink mice. They were rather useful creations when it came to gathering information. That is what they needed badly.

He believed Shikamaru. Sai believed that the Daimyos were plotting against Naruko. Unfortunately, it made perfect sense. The Ninja World loved to build up heroes and then to tear them down. That wasn't going to be allowed to happen this time though.

"What did you learn?" He asks his mice.

For a month, he had been spying on the Daimyos between his various regular missions. Sai didn't like it, but he knew that he had to be patient. He was going to need hard evidence against them.

One didn't just simply accuse the Daimyo's of plotting murder. That would lead to your own demise. No, what he needed was proof. The kind of proof that no one would be able to argue against.

"Good things come to those who wait." He says with a smile as he takes the camera that he had placed inside one of the mice off.

It was a tiny camera. One that the Daimyos would likely never notice. They might notice a mouse, but he doubted they'd notice a camera that as smaller than his thumb.

"I'll go have a look at this. Thank you, my friends." He whispers as he dispels them and goes off to do exactly that.

Sai was rather grateful for his ROOT training in some ways. If it weren't for that, he probably would have been a wreck by now. It had been a very long month. A month where he had been very aware that his life could be forfeit at any time. If any of the Daimyos noticed what he was up to, that would be the end of him.

"Let's see what we have here." Sai says as he heads to the Intelligence Building in the Leaf Village.

He checked to make sure he was alone in one of the rooms, before locking the door and soundproofing it with a handy jutsu. Once that was done, he pushes the tape into the player and watches. What he saw made his eyes widen.

"Damn it. I have no idea where they went, but they obviously aren't in the Uchiha District anymore. They obviously must still be in the Leaf village or the Hokage would have everyone looking for them." The Fire Daimyo lamented.

The other Daimyos looked just as frustrated and worried. Sai had never seen a group of people who looked more guilty in his entire life. Thankfully, it appeared that they were unaware that they were being watched and so they kept going.

"The poison must have filtered out of her system by now. It's been a month. We need to figure out where she is staying, if we want to restart the regime." The Water Daimyo pointed out.

"Unfortunately, the Nine Tails was clearly burning off the poisoning. At least she couldn't access chakra in that state. We might have had a chance. If the Uchiha would leave her alone for five minutes, that's all that we would need." The Earth Daimyo replied.

The Daimyos all nod in agreement. No elaboration was needed. There was only one Uchiha left in the world by blood. Well there was only one living Uchiha by blood who had been born yet, anyway.

"That seems unlikely. He's very protective of her. I suppose it only makes sense. They are married. We simply can not allow her this to continue. Everyone knows that she's pregnant now. There's nothing that the public loves more than a damn love story that ends with a child being born." The Wind Daimyo muttered in disgust.

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