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For a week or two after the Honeymoon, everything was going normally. Sasuke would teach at the Academy and Naruko would perform her Hokage duties. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until Naruko realized she couldn't perform a Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"What the Hell?! That barely takes any chakra and I feel fine." She asks in stunned voice.

Sasuke was equally as baffled. His eyes narrow. The expecting father did not feel good about this. The odds of a perfectly healthy woman suddenly not able to use chakra for no obvious reason, were low.

"Let's get you to the hospital and have Tsunade have a look at you." He suggests.

"Yeah. That's probably a good idea." Naruko agrees.

A few minutes later, the newlyweds were at the hospital. Sasuke has Naruko wait in the waiting room and quickly finds the busty blonde medic. He was trying to keep from panicking, but it was hard.

Naruko and their family were his entire world. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't lose her after everything that they had been through. Surely, Tsunade would be able to tell what was wrong with her and fix it.

"Alright. Alright. I'll have a look at her. Naruko, please come to my exam room." The cinnamon eyed woman instructs and the couple follows Tsunade straight into the room she mentioned.

Tsunade frowns. She could see that Sasuke was only one or two breaths away from losing it and Naruko looked scared. That was just wrong. She had never known the boisterous young woman to be scared of anything. None of this was a good sign in her mind.

"I'll start by taking your vitals." Tsunade says as she does exactly that.

Hmm. That was strange. Her vitals all looked normal. Naruko looked perfectly healthy, yet she couldn't access her chakra.

"Do you have any idea what's wrong with her?" Sasuke asks nervously.

"No. Her vitals are normal. She hasn't recently expanded a great amount of chakra. It doesn't make any sense. I'm going to run a blood test." She reasons.

Naruko gulps. She might be Hokage, but that didn't mean she liked getting her blood taken. Yuck. She hated having her blood taken. It always creeped her out.

"Naruko, are you seriously going to be a big baby about having your blood taken?" Sasuke asks in amusement.

"Well yeah! It creeps me out!" She grumbles and Sasuke shakes his head.

He decides that the best way to ensure that Tsunade got the necessary blood sample was to distract his beautiful blonde. Fortunately, she was easily distracted and Sasuke knew exactly how he was going to do it. He kisses his wife.

Naruko smiles and returns the kiss. That was a bit unexpected, but she wasn't going to complain. Sasuke was a great kisser. Maybe he wanted to kiss it better in advance? Yeah. That must be it.

The medic shakes her head in amusement. Honestly, these two were always entertaining, if nothing else. She quickly takes the blood sample while Naruko was busy kissing Sasuke.

"There we go. All done." The elder ninja proclaims after a minute.

"Really? Wow. That was fast. Hey, wait a minute! Sasuke! You are such a sneaky bastard!" The sapphire eyed woman growls at him.

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