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Sasuke watches with amusement as Naruko buys a lot of sweets. He didn't recognize half of them. It amused him that one of the strongest ninjas to have ever lived, had such a sweet tooth.

"You want anything?" Naruko asks cheerfully, not realizing that Sasuke was having a grand ole time watching her act like a kid in a candy store.

"Do they have any strawberry muffins? I like those." He asks.

Sasuke did like them. But mostly he figured he should get something. Naruko might feel a little self conscious, if he didn't.

She nods and gets him some muffins. The two of them sit down at a booth. He nibbles at his meal and once again wonders where she put it all. It had to be Kyubbi's influence. He was sure of it.

"But yeah, I really hope you and Gaara can patch things up." She says.

"He's just being smart. I can't really blame him. Gaara wants to protect you. If I was in his position, I'd probably do the same thing. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. He'll get over it, eventually. After all, if he went from being a homicidal manic to a devoted Kazekage, I can go from what I was to being…not what I was." He finishes.

Naruko sighs. She didn't know if he'd ever really forgive himself. But she wasn't going to let him go back to brooding. Sasuke was a really good brooder. He was like a Kage level brooder. So she knew when she had to nip that in the bud. She leans over and kisses him.

Sasuke kisses back. He could taste lots of frosting in her kiss. It made him feel like a kid again.

Well that was until he felt her try to seduce him with her tongue. That's when his inner child went out the window and his adult self very much wanted to play a different kind of game.

"That's better." She says after breaking the kiss.

"What's better?" Sasuke asks in confusion and was wondering why she had STOPPED.

"You were starting to go on a major guilt trip of yourself there. So I stopped it. You really need to stop torturing yourself over what happened. It's over. You're back. That's all that matters." The blonde explains.

He shakes his head in disbelief. Sasuke had every reason to torture himself. He deserved far worse. But it was Naruko.

She really did believe in fairytales endings. The fact that he was back was all that mattered? He'd never understand her. But God help him, he loved her more than anything.

"You're way too forgiving. Just be careful. Gaara's right. There is a target on your back. Unlike me, you aren't immune to most poisons. That would be my first guess for how they'd try to take you out. They know they can't beat you in a fair fight. So they'll try something sneaky." Her lover says.

"Wait to kill the mood, bastard. We were making out and enjoying some cupcakes and you had to bring up assassination attempts!" She scolds him.

Sasuke rolls his eyes good naturedly. She wasn't taking this seriously. It was as damn good thing she had him around. He'd keep her safe.

Naruko was an amazing ninja on the battlefield. But when it came to things like stealth or strategy, well not so much. She was a fearsome warrior and a fantastic lover, but Naruko just didn't operate on that level. She wasn't capable of thinking like a cold blooded killer or deception.

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