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The wedding had been organized surprisingly quickly. Naruko was almost certain this was because in his own bastardly way, Sasuke was trying to be considerate. He didn't want her to have to get married while she was OBVIOUSLY pregnant. That would have caused quiet the scandal, made finding a wedding kimono really difficult, and frankly wouldn't really been that much fun.

"You look beautiful, Naruko." Hinata says with as shy smile.

"Thanks, Hinata!" The blonde bride says cheerfully.

It was a little odd. Sasuke normally loved to control every little detail about his environment, but he had let her do whatever she wanted with the wedding. Naruko definitely believed him when Sasuke said he was more interested in the Honeymoon than the wedding itself. (Kakashi must have rubbed off on him at some point. )

"You really do." Tenten agrees with the Hyuga Heiress.

"I think you should wear your hair up." Ino suggests.

"She should wear it down." Sakura insists.

Thankfully, it looked like Sakura had finally moved on from her first love. The pregnant woman was enormously relieved by that. She didn't want to lose her friendship with Sakura over her loving Sasuke. If it came down to a choice though, she would have chosen her bastard.

"I think I'll wear it down and thanks, Tenten." She says after debating for a moment.

There really was no point in wearing it up. Sasuke seemed to view that as a challenge in a way. He always undid her hair, if she wore it up. There wasn't really much of a point in even trying.

"Ha! Take that Ino Pig! I was right. She's going to wearing it down." Sakura says.

"Whatever, billboard brow." The other blonde woman grumbles.

Naruko shakes her head in amusement as she looks at her reflection in the mirror. She wasn't showing yet. That was probably a mercy. That would certainly cause quite the scandal if they announced her pregnancy by having her walk down the aisle with a belly that was obviously swollen with their first child.

She had decided to wear a white silk wedding kimono that reached all the way to her ankles. It was very flowy and gave off a waterfall effect. The kimono had a vibrant orange sash and some orange floral designs on it though. Her hair was down and she was wearing some diamond earrings, along with a tiara. (Ino had insisted that she was Hokage and thus should look the part.)

"I think we are ready. It was really nice of you Kurenai, to have Mirai be the flower girl." Naruko notes with a giggle.

"Oh. It's no problem. She's very excited to throw the flowers." The Genjutsu Mistress assures her.

Naruko smiles. Well it looked like everything was as ready as it was ever going to be. She just hoped that things were going as smoothly for the guys.

"Uchiha, if you hurt her in any way, I will castrate you with my sand. Just so we are clear." Gaara says in a monotone voice.

"Hello to you too, Gaara." Sasuke says as he rolls his eyes at the threat.

He glances at himself in the mirror. Normally, he didn't really care about his appearance that much. As long as he was presentable enough not to disgrace his Clan's name, he didn't spend a great deal of time "preening." Today, was a little different though.

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