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The next day, Naruko woke up to breakfast in bed. Actually, it was more like several breakfasts worth. She blinks. The blonde had never seen so much food in her entire life before.

"Bastard, did you make all this?" She asks in shock.

Sasuke merely nods. She looks at the piles of food in awe. Sometimes she wondered if he should just retire from being an Academy instructor and just become a chef. Damn.

"You're eating for two now. I didn't know what you wanted. You don't want ramen anymore. So it's possible that your eating habits have changed completely. Cravings are normal for a pregnancy, but you are you. There's no telling how your pregnancy will be different from everyone else's and that's before we even factor in the Nine Tail's influence." Sasuke says.

"Hmpf. You just had to go and ruin the moment by being a bastard." She grumbles.

"You knew that I was a "bastard" when you fell in love with me. I don't know why you are complaining about it now." Her lover says with a shrug.

"That is true, but so not the point! Maybe next time I get Morning Sickness, I should just throw up on you." The blonde threatens him.

"I love you too." The raven haired ninja says in amusement and leans over, kissing her.

Naruko kisses back. Well he was kinda right. She knew what his personality was like, when she fell in love with him. She supposed this was the Sasuke version of being nice. Besides, she couldn't be mad at him when he made her all this really yummy looking food and kissed her like that.

"I feel in love with you for your body. It clearly wasn't for your personality." She says after she breaks the kiss and taunts him.

"Oh I'm sure that my body had something to do with it. But I doubt you would have chased my ass as long as you did, if it was purely physical. Be a good Hokage and eat." He says orders her.

The blonde rolls her eyes at his bossy tone. Hey, she was Hokage here. She should be the one giving the orders, not him. Didn't he know how this worked?!

"You are so bossy today. Sasuke, you can't boss me around anymore. I'm Hokage. You are my subordinate." She says smugly.

"Technically when I'm performing my ninja duties, yeah." Sasuke says with a shrug.

"Hey, I'm your Hokage all the time! That makes you like my love slave or something" Naruko protests.

Sasuke snorts in amusement. He raises an eyebrow as if to say, "Really? You're really going to try this?"

Only Naruko. Sometimes he was stunned at what came out of her mouth. His blonde could be quite vocal, but she had never really experimented with acting in the bedroom. She was endlessly creative, as evidenced by her use of clones in the classroom once. But she had never really tried out that the whole dominant and submissive thing.

"Sure, Naruko. Sure." Sasuke states in amusement and grabs a piece of bacon.

"It is so true!" She exclaims.

"Mhm. Whatever you say. Just be a good girl and eat." Sasuke says again.

She mutters something about teaching cocky bastard a lesson under her breath and grabs some toast. Naruko wasn't sure it was a good idea to eat a lot. She was probably going to end up throwing it up anyway.

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