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Three days later, Naruko and Sasuke arrive back in the Leaf. Was it Naruko's imagination or were women hitting on Sasuke even more than was "normal?"

Maybe she was just being possessive. They were lovers now. That hadn't been the case before they left.

"So about those high heels?" Sasuke whispers into her ear, once he had made a tactful escape from yet another woman who had just hit on him.

"Hmpf! About those women." Naruko mutters and turns her back on him.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. Naruko was jealous of women that he wanted nothing to do with? It'd almost be funny, if it wasn't denying him of the undoubtedly gorgeous sight of the blonde in those shoes. Maybe he'd be able to talk her into wearing the maid outfit as well?

"I don't know what's wrong with them. They are acting even more insane than normal. That is saying something because the women in the Leaf have always been psychotic to begin with." He mutters.

"Excuse me?!" Naruko says.

Sasuke sighs. He realizes that he had just made the situation worse. Damn it. He pauses for a few seconds trying to figure out a way to wiggle out of this hole that he had apparently just dug himself.

"I didn't mean you. Naruko, I meant them. You would think that they would have noticed that I have never been interested in them, by now." The possibly last Uchiha says with a shrug.

Naruko glances back at Sasuke. She knew that he was right really. The normally somber ninja had never even smiled at any of them. The blue eyed woman knew she was being a bit ridiculous, but she couldn't help it. That had to be the 4th or 5th woman to flirt with Sasuke today.

"This is getting kinda weird. I mean you've always had admirers, but this is crazy." The blonde offers.

"A little, yeah. Doesn't matter though. I don't want them." Sasuke says simply and pulls Naruko into his arms, teleporting them back to the Uchiha District.

Sasuke smiles as he felt Naruko relax in his arms. Apparently, she just needed some privacy and to be away from the banshees. Yes, that is how Sasuke viewed his admirers. God, they were so loud.

"There that's better. No more banshees." He says.

The Uchiha didn't mind loudness from his blonde though. He was used to it really. Actually, Sasuke encouraged Naruko to be as loud as she wanted when it came to their more sensual activities.

"Banshees?" His lover asks with a giggle.

There was a difference between his blonde's loudness and the banshees. Naruko didn't shriek or wail in an annoying high pitched voice. She just got overexcited.

Sasuke could handle someone being excited. Someone shrieking in a high pitched voice that made his ears feel like they were bleeding? Not so much. That was just NOT sexy.

"They scream like them. Come on. Let's get inside. It's been a long trip and I want to get out of these clothes." Sasuke mutters as he walks towards his house, with his hand wrapped around the blonde's back.

Naruko smiles and heads inside with her lover. Maybe she was just overreacting. Though if they didn't back off, she wasn't going to be held responsible for her actions.

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