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Two weeks later, Sasuke sighs as he grades some exam papers. He couldn't believe this. He was reduced to paperwork. It wasn't even related to missions. It was just a history exam.

Sasuke didn't dislike teaching. The paperwork was annoying though. He could tolerate this job in the short-term. Naruko was right. It was helping him with his image. (He could really do without the giggling twelve year old girls trying to become the teacher's favorite pet though.)

"You look kinda grumpy." Naruko says as she bounds through the door.

"It's just a little humiliating. I never thought I'd have a desk job that didn't involve filing police reports. I don't mind the kids though." Sasuke says.

"Oh you, poor baby. Now you know what I go through." Naruko says as she gets behind him and rubs his shoulders.

She blinks. Shit. He was really tense. The blonde wondered what got into her favorite bastard. Well it was a good thing he had her to take care of him. Otherwise, she was sure he would have had a heart attack before thirty.

"Mmm I guess so. You can keep doing that, by the way." Sasuke says as he groans in pleasure.

That felt really good. Her hands were like magic. He closes his eyes in contentment and enjoys the shoulder rub.

"Like I needed your permission. I know you are a sucker for this kind of thing. What's got you so tense?" She asks as she kisses his ear.

Sasuke tries his best not to squirm. It was beneath his dignity. Uchihas didn't squirm, but it was difficult. She just had to go and kiss his ear like that while giving him a shoulder rub.

"You aren't taking the potential threats seriously enough. It's the only thing that Gaara and I agree on. As much as I am still pissed at Shikamaru, he's a genius. We should probably tell him about the threats. Maybe he can help." Sasuke says.

"Awe. You're worried about me. You really do care, bastard." Naruko says as she goes and sits in his lap.

"Naruko, of course I'm worried. People are trying to kill you. You are the one person that I couldn't stand to lose. Don't make me say that again. It's really annoying having to say it. It's bad luck." He mutters.

The blonde sighs. She leans into her lover's hold. She hated that Sasuke didn't even feel comfortable enough o say that he was worried about her, without viewing it as a curse.

In his defense, almost everyone he had ever said, "I love you," to was dead. She was the only exception. So yeah, he kinda had a valid reason to be paranoid, but still.

"It is not bad luck." She protests and Sasuke gives her a look that said, "Oh yes it is. You know it is. Don't even try to argue."

"We should still tell Shikamaru." He insists.

"Alright. I just don't want to cause a panic. You know? I don't want old lazy bones to freak. They haven't tried to do anything in awhile. Maybe Gaara just got some bad intelligence. It happens sometimes." The blue eyed woman says hopefully.

Sasuke wanted to believe that. He really did. But he knew better. He raises an eyebrow as if to ask if Naruko was really going to try to use that flimsy justification not to worry.

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