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Four days later, they arrived in the Sand Village. Gaara offered to let them stay at his home. Since he was the Kazekage, it likely would have sparked an international incident to refuse, so they accepted his offer.

"Good thing we have two guestrooms." The red head says.

"Oh we only need one." Naruko says with a smile.

Gaara was a smart person. He translated that immediately. Naruko wanted to share a room with the Uchiha. The same man who had tried to kill her and who she had spent years chasing after he deserted the Leaf. He respected Sasuke's abilities as a ninja, but he still didn't trust him.

It must have shown on his face, because Sasuke glares at him. The Kazekage knew that he was also glaring daggers right back at him. Lightning crackled between the two men. Fortunately, Naruko seemed oblivious.

"Sasuke's never been to my home before. How about I give him the tour while you begin unpacking?" Gaara suggests.

"Alright." Naruko replies and heads off to do exactly that, unaware that the red head had just set a trap for Sasuke.

Sasuke sighs and smacks his forehead. God help him, but he loved that oblivious woman. She honestly couldn't see what the Kazekage was trying to do? Oh well, he'd just have to deal with Gaara on his own.

"I'm sure you know what I'm about to say." Gaara begins and Sasuke could only nod.

"I know. Save it. You're right. I don't deserve her. I tried to tell her that, but she won't listen. You know how stubborn she is." The Uchiha launches a preemptive strike.

Gaara sighs. He would give Sasuke that one. Naruko was the most stubborn person on the planet. The Uchiha was the only person who even come close to being as stubborn as Naruko.

"Oh believe me, I know how stubborn she can be. But I doubt you resisted very hard. We both know how strong you are. Still I think it's only fair to warn you, if you hurt her again, I will end you. I don't care what it takes. I won't allow it to happen again. Do you have any idea how much pain you put her through?" The red head demands.

Sasuke frowns. He couldn't tell if Gaara was acting as a protective friend or as someone who was in love with the blonde. It was Gaara. He was hard to read at the best of times.

"Do you love her?" He asks suddenly.

"I love her. However, I am not in love with her. In some ways, I love her more than you do. I never abandoned her. You did. Honestly, I don't know why she has given you so many chances. Were I in her position, I wouldn't have." The Kazekage continues.

The Leaf Village sighs and looks down. He couldn't argue with Gaara. Deep down, he knew the other man was right. Anyone else would have given up on him, a long time ago. But not Naruko. Naruko was in a league all her own.

"I know. This time, I want it to be different." He whispers.

"Against my better judgment, I believe you actually mean that. But it's not up to me to decide that. Go speak with her. I doubt you actually need a tour. You seem to have a good sense of direction. God knows you managed to stay lost long enough." Gaara mutters and heads off.

Naruko heads to the room she was going to share with Sasuke. She forms a few clones to speed up the process. Hopefully, Gaara and Sasuke were getting along. She wanted her…well whatever Sasuke was to her and other best friend to get along.

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