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Sasuke might not have been on the best terms with Gaara, but he had to admire the man's efficiency. Somehow the red head had commenced Operation Zodiac in record time. It was impressive really.

"Thank you." He says.

"Are you going to tell me what this is about?" Gaara asks as he watches Sasuke and a pregnant Naruko warily.

"We have proof that the Daimyos tried to have Naruko and the twins killed. We have it on tape. Therefore, I'm invoking the Blood Moon." Sasuke says simply.

Gaara's eyes widen in horror. He had suspected that might be the case for a long time. Unfortunately, he had been proven right and the Uchiha had a damn good reason to embrace his dark side again. He could only hope that he wouldn't lose himself to it, if only for Naruko's sake.

The Blood Moon meant on the night of the Full Moon, an aggrieved party could challenge the person who had wronged them to combat or a test of valor. It was called a Blood Moon because someone almost always died in a bloody fashion.

"Naruko, are you okay with this?" The Kazekage whispers.

"Yeah. I'm okay with it. I can't let these bastards get off scott free. They tried to kill me and my family. There are some things are unforgivable. I'm hoping that Sasuke doesn't get too carried away though. He does that. A lot." Naruko says as she sheepishly rubs the back of her head.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow at his wife's comment. While that was true, this time he had a very good reason to want revenge. The Daimyos had tried to take away the woman he loved and murder his unborn children. He wasn't going to let that stand. Surely, even Naruko could understand that.

"Oh believe me, I have plans. I'm going to make sure that no one ever threatens our family again. A thousand years from now, people will still be talking about this. That much I can promise you, Naruko." Sasuke says as he heads off towards the conference room.

The conference room had cameras in it. Lots of cameras. This allowed the Daimyos to communicate with the ninja population easily. If they had known what Sasuke was going to use those cameras for though, the last Uchiha was sure that they never would have put them up and would have already been running for his life.

He feels himself smirk at that knowledge. Today was going to be their last day among the realm of the living. Never again, would they be allowed to threaten his family. They were never going to see another Sunrise.

"Sasuke, um I don't like it when you talk that way. That sounds pretty bad!" Naruko exclaims as she follows her husband into the conference room.

"Because it is." Sasuke says and he smirks when he saw that the Daimyos looked utterly terrified by his presence.

Immediately, they try to escape from the room. Sasuke couldn't fault them for that much. Their survival instincts were strong, but they weren't getting out of this. He grabs one by the collar and hurls him into the nearest wall.

"That's not polite to just run off on your guests like that. Are the Daimyos of the Five Great Nations really such poor hosts? Pity. Well thank you all for coming. Naruko and I have a special movie prepared for everyone. We know all about everything you tried to do." Sasuke hisses.

All the color drains from the faces of the Daimyos. Naruko knew why. Sasuke was doing that thing with his voice again. That slow, seething thing. Hatred practically dripped from the words as if it was an actual living, breathing thing and not just an emotion.

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