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A few days later, Sasuke was convinced that his gorgeous lover had lost her mind. Sometimes he wondered if he had hit her just a little bit too hard during one of their many battles. Because every so often, she had to go and say something completely crazy. Today was just happened to be one of those days.

"Naruko, you can't be serious. You want ME to be an Academy Instructor?" Sasuke asks incredulously.

"Yeah! What's so crazy about it? You're really smart and the kids could learn a lot from you. Besides, it will show the villagers that deep down you are really just an oversized teddy bear. A really sexy teddy bear, but still." She says, sounding quite pleased with herself.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. He couldn't believe that the blonde had just called him a teddy bear. His pride was slightly soothed when she included the adjective sexy, but still.

"Naruko, no one is going to trust me around their five year old. Remember? I used to an S Class Criminal." Sasuke reminds her.

"I'd trust you with my five year old. Sasuke, I'm Hokage. They aren't going to argue with me, if I give you the post. Besides, you like kids. You want to have lots of them, right? Think of this as practice." She says with a smile.

"Naruko, you would trust me because you're you. Most people are not going to trust me with their kids. I guess I like kids more than I like most adults. Well yeah, but that's a little different. This is not very good practice anyway. The kids go home at the end of the day and any bonding would be minimal because there are so many of them. " Sasuke reasons.

Naruko shakes her head. He was going to be difficult. Well she supposed that she should have expected that. Sasuke was Sasuke. He always had to be difficult. Oh well. She knew she could talk him into it.

"They'll learn that they can trust you eventually. I don't get it. You want lots of kids, but you don't want to be around Academy kids?" She asks in confusion.

"Academy children are different. They aren't OURS. I mean I wouldn't hurt them, but I don't have the same innate desire to love and protect them like I would my own children. I'd protect them, of course. But the bond just isn't there naturally. It has to be forged and that's hard to do when you are teaching that many kids at once." He reasons.

Naruko shakes her head. In the old days, she would have settled this through a fight. Mostly likely, by throwing a punch at him. Things were different now. The blonde knew a far more effective approach to get what she wanted from him now. She pounces and pins him to the bed.

"Naruko, don't you dare." Sasuke warns her.

That didn't stop Naruko though. She knew how to get compliance out of the stubborn Uchiha now. She decides to start off slow. So she nibbles on his ear and slides her hands under his shirt.

"Th-at is fighting dirty and you know it." He says with a needy sigh.

"Maybe, but it's a lot more fun than fighting with our fists and you are less stubborn this way." She whispers hotly into his ear and her hands slide down further, coming to the zipper of his pants.

"Damn it." He mutters, knowing what was going to happen.

Naruko had figured out his weakness. He had honed his battle reflexes and senses to as high as they could possibly be. This included touch.

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