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"Sasuke, why are we in the Land of the Waves?" Naruko asks in confusion, one month later.

"Naruko, you're pregnant. You deserve to take a vacation for a few days. Enjoy being away from the paperwork for a bit." Sasuke says as he checks them into a beautiful inn.

"Awe. That's sweet of you, bastard. You wanted a romantic getaway." The blonde says with a grin.

Sasuke actually had more reasons for bringing her to the Land of Waves than a romantic getaway, but that was one of them. So technically, he wasn't lying when he nodded his head in agreement. He just wasn't telling her the whole truth yet.

"Yeah. Plus it will be nice to have some privacy and not have others glaring at me for deflowering their princess." Sasuke adds with a shrug.

"Oh come on. They do not look at you like that!" She protests.

The eldest Uchiha raises an eyebrow. Was Naruko really going to try to pretend that wasn't what happened in the Leaf? She was either oblivious or lying through her teeth.

"Oh really?" Her lover asks.

"Alright. Maybe they do a little, but it's getting better. Isn't it?" She asks a bit mournfully.

The raven haired ninja just shakes his head and sighs. Naruko really had this idea that if she just wished for something strongly enough, it would happen. So far he couldn't exactly blame her for this belief.

That is largely what had happened throughout her life. Still it was going to take a long time for the Leaf Village to really accept him again. That was just the reality of the situation.

"Yes, it is getting better. I don't care though. I didn't come back for them. I came back for you and to honor Itachi's legacy." He informs her.

"I really wish that you could see in the Leaf what I do. You wanted to be Hokage once what changed? You must have loved the village to want to run it." The blonde insists.

"We both know that you are a far better Hokage than I could ever be. I wanted to run the village to prevent more people from sharing Itachi's fate. I might have loved it once when I was a kid, but those days are long gone. Now I protect it for you and our child." The other ninja replies honestly.

Naruko sighs. Sasuke was still Sasuke. He always had to be a bastard in one way or another. Still he was HER bastard and she loved him anyway. She smiles and offers him her hand as they head towards their room.

"Well at least his instinct to protect you and the child is strong. You can't fault him for that. You honestly don't know why he wanted to go to the Land of the Waves?" Kurama asks in a voice that suggested it should have been glaringly obvious.

"No. I don't know. Do you? Come on. Tell me. What's the big secret? I don't buy that it's just for a romantic getaway. Sasuke wouldn't lie to me, but he is good at keeping secrets when he wants to be." The blonde says.

Kurama just shakes his head. He couldn't believe that the brat was missing the obvious. Oh well. He wasn't going to spoil the Uchiha's surprise in that case.

"Nevermind. You'll find out soon enough anyway." The Nine Tails mutters as he temporarily cuts the link between them.

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