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The next day, Sasuke went to get tested. If Naruko was being poisoned, odds were that he was as well. After all, they did everything together.

That included eating and drinking. Which Sasuke suspected was the most likely way that someone had been able to slip her poison continually. The wannabe assassin had likely been poisoning her drinks or food.

"Alright, Sasuke. I have to do some blood work. I hope you don't mind." Tsunade tells him.

"I'm fine with blood work. I'm not a baby about that sort of thing, unlike some people." The raven haired ninja says as he directs a smirk towards his wife.

"You can be such a bastard sometimes!" The younger busty blonde grumbles in annoyance.

It had been a battle of two desires. The first one said that Naruko should stay home and rest in bed. The second one told Sasuke that he couldn't leave his lovable foxy wife behind. He didn't want to risk letting her out of his sight. In the end, the latter had won out and he brought her to the hospital with him.

"I know, but you married me anyway." Sasuke informs her smugly and Naruko just rolls her eyes.

"Well I see that you are in good spirits." Tsunade muses as she takes the blood sample.

Sasuke winces slightly, but makes no other sign of protest. He was used to getting blood work and injections done. His time in the Sound Village had been far from pleasant, but it had been productive.

"How long will it take to get the results?" Sasuke asks anxiously.

"It shouldn't take that long. Though I would probably head home, unless you wanna wait around in the hospital until then." The medic replies.

The eldest Uchiha glances at Naruko. He knew that she disliked hospitals, but it would still be better for them to stay in the hospital. That way if something went wrong, they had help nearby. He wouldn't push though.

"Oh don't give me those sad eyes. Alright. I'll stay. I don't really like hospitals all that much, but the results won't take that long to get and I'm going to be spending a lot of time soon. I am pregnant after all." Naruko reasons.

"Wonderful. You two can keep using this room for now. I have some other patients to look after and need to get this to the lab." Tsunade says as she heads off.

Sasuke nods and he sits on the bed with Naruko. The eldest Uchiha quickly wraps his arms around her protectively and sighs. He couldn't believe this was happening. Everything was going so perfectly and then of course something had to go wrong. Someone was trying to assassinate Naruko.

"It'll be alright. You don't have to sigh like that. I'm not dead and I'm not going to be any time soon." The blue eyed ninja promises him.

"You need to rest. We are going to find out who did this and I promise you that I'm going to make them suffer." Sasuke says.

Naruko shakes her head. Oh boy. They were now entering the Danger Zone. She loved Sasuke, but she also knew him well enough to realize when he was about to lose it. Right now, was one of those times.

"No. You aren't allowed to do that." She informs him bluntly.

"I'm not allowed to do what?" Her lover asks with a raised eyebrow.

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