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Two months later, Naruko and Sasuke were at a restaurant with the rest of Team Seven. Privately, the last Uchiha thought that his lover was out of her mind. He couldn't see how this little reunion would end in anything other than disaster, but she had been so excited about it. One look at those sad blue eyes and Sasuke had caved almost immediately.

So that was how he found himself sitting next to Naruko at a rather large table in a fancy restaurant. Thankfully, the villagers had gotten fairly used to seeing the Leaf's new power couple. They were staring and whispering about them, but at least they were trying to be subtle about it. (Sasuke did give them some points for at least trying not to be too obvious about their gossiping.)

"Naruko, are you sure you don't want the ramen?" Sasuke asks.

"Yeah. I'm sure. I think I'll just have a steak." She replies and the raven haired ninja raises an eyebrow.

Naruko didn't want ramen. This had to be a historic day. Was she an imposter? He decides there was only one way to find out. Subtly he places his hand underneath the table and squeezes her inner thigh.

An imposter would be shocked. A fake Naruko would blush. They would probably jump. The real Naruko's eyes would flash orange or amber like in Sage mode briefly. He relaxes when he saw that they did indeed change color for a second or two. This was indeed his blonde.

"Are you feeling alright, Naruko?" Kakashi asks in concern.

He had never heard of his former student turning down ramen. Was she sick or something? That was just so unlike her that the Copycat Ninja couldn't help but grow concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just for some reason the thought of eating ramen right now makes me want to vomit. It's weird." She says with a shrug.

Sakura shrugs. Naruko had been practically living off of the cheap noodles for years. Maybe she had finally just gotten sick of it. The blue eyed ninja certainly didn't look sick.

"I can look you over, if you want." The pink haired woman offers.

"Maybe after dinner. I feel fine now. So how are you guys? It's been forever since we all last got together." Naruko inquires cheerfully.

Sai happily answers her question. He launches into a long explanation about his newest artistic projects and how he was dating Ino now. Sasuke raises an eyebrow at that last part.

He had a hard time wrapping his mind around the thought of those two together. Still it was none of his business. He couldn't really judge. Naruko and him were opposites in every conceivable way. Sometimes opposites attracted. That had to be the case with Ino and Sai.

"Sometimes I help her at the flower shop. She appreciates my knowledge of color contrasts." He states smugly.

"That's very nice. Well I've just been doing the standard missions. Nothing particularly interesting to report." Yamato offers.

The waitress comes over and takes their order. Sasuke watches as Naruko discusses the flower shop with Sai. How she could pretend to have an interest in such mundane things was beyond his comprehension.

No wait. On second thought, she actually did look sincerely interested. Really? Flowers? Honestly.

"I've been enjoying my retirement. It's amusing to listen to all the rumors swirling around the village these days. Is there any truth to some of the more exotic ones?" Kakashi inquires "innocently."

Sakura, Yamato, and Sasuke all sputter at that question. It was obvious what the silver haired ninja was asking. He was asking about the Leaf's most infamous power couple's sex life.

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