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"Froggie! Hop! Hop!" The voice of a toddler cries out joyfully.

"Your son is just as bossy as you are." Gamabunta grumbles as he sighs and hops around for the blonde child.

Sasuke shakes his head in amusement. He still couldn't believe that there was a blonde Uchiha. Minato was spitting image of his maternal grandfather. He had the classic blonde hair and Uzumaki-Namikaze facial features. He had inherited Sasuke's onyx eyes and skin tone though. Not to mention, Minato had his mother's whisker markings.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Naruko demands and she jumps up and down in outrage.

Sasuke smirks. He did like it when his wife got flustered. Sometimes she would start jumping like that and he loved the view. Her breasts still jiggled quite nicely. Motherhood certainly agreed with her figure.

"What are you smirking about bastard?!" His wife demands.

"Daddy like jiggles." Emiko says with a giggle and Sasuke mentally groans.

Emiko was his daughter and his princess. He was very proud of her advanced vocabulary for her age and how perceptive she was. Unfortunately, she had no filter. She was like all other two year olds in that respect.

Her hair was raven black like his and she had his facial features. Her skin was a shade or two tanner than his own, most likely Naruko's influence. Anyone could tell who her mother was with just one look though. Emiko had Naruko's sapphire blue eyes.

"Bastard, what have you been telling her?!" Naruko yells at him.

"I didn't tell her that! Emiko is just really aware of her surroundings! That's all!" He says defensively as he shakes his head and scoops up his daughter in his arms.

It was a move of self-preservation really. Naruko wouldn't attack him, with their daughter in his arms. There were a lot of advantages that came with fatherhood and that just happened to be one of them.

"Oh that is SUCH cheap trick." Naruko grumbles, after seeing Sasuke take their daughter into his arms.

"Cheap, but effective. I know you aren't going to try to Rasengan me when I'm holding Emiko." He says smugly.

"Minato, can you say pervert? Your father is a pervert. He's worse than Pervy Sage sometimes." She coaxes her son.

Minato tilts his head to the side and coos at his mother. Then he promptly turns his attention back to the giant toad, giggling as the Summon hops around for his enjoyment. Naruko shakes her head and sighs. Maybe another time then.

"Like you aren't." Sasuke says with a smirk as he kisses the top of Emiko's head.

It was fun to tease Naruko. She always fell for it, but he was really going to have to teach Emiko about secrets at some point. If she kept saying everything that she observed, he was going to get in big trouble.

"That is so not the point. Oh hey, Gaara!" She says brightly as the red head approaches them.

Sasuke tilts his head to the side. What was Gaara doing in the Leaf? He and Gaara had learned to tolerate each other over the years, but they weren't exactly friends.

The red head knew that Naruko loved Sasuke. So he couldn't attack him. Sasuke knew that Gaara was Naruko's friend. So he couldn't attack the Kazekage either. That meant that they had been forced to find a way to coexist. Neither man was particularly happy about that fact, but they had found a way to live with it.

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