Chapter 11: Emmerson's birthday

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This was a special day for me. I wanted to look as fascinating as possible, but not fascinating enough to steal the looks all for me, it was my favorite person's birthday after all!
I immediately facetimed Emmerson and told them how excited I am for their birthday, and asking them if they feel the same.
They told me'I wasn't excited for it until YOU told me you were excited about it. I can't wait to see you, Zephyr, I miss you so much you don't even know!'. As they said that I could feel my face warming up and my lips turning into a big smirk.
'You know what would make you even more excited? The gift I'm going to give you! I have been preparing this gift for ages! I hope you like it, but you can't open it until we're alone, Em.'.
His face started to flush, and I could see the confusement yet peace in his eyes, just because he knew he didn't have to worry about shitty pranks from me, he trusted me, more than ever. Emmerson and I chatted until we were both ready. I headed to his house as soon as I got his approvement of my appearance.
He said I looked 'breath taking, a face to romanticize, kiss, even!', and I can't lie, that gave me butterflies.
When I got to his house, it wasn't fully decorated.
Therefore, I helped Emmerson and their parents arrange all the decorations.
Exactly after we finished, the first guests arrived, then after a few minutes, more guests arrived, and so on.
Seth, good friend of Emmerson's, came to the party, but not alone... With the stinking bitch Allison.
Emmerson was shocked, and I offered to talk with the both of them and tell Allison to leave, or else.
When I asked Seth why they brought that whore slut fugly bitch Allison, they whispered the words'She forced me. She made a scene and said she will leave me when I told her that she can't come to the party, I'm tired of her shit but I'm afraid of being alone. And I'm afraid of losing her. She's been my best friend for years!', I was shocked, and filled with angst, but when I turned around to see what was happening, that fulgy ass bitch Allison was arguing with my knight in shining armor.
So I knew what I had to do. I went and picked her up, and I threw her outside, she was surprisingly light, except for the fact that she was trying to fight me, and told her that if she ever talks to either Em or Seth she will face the consequences of me, which obviously were me fucking her up more than she is already.
Emmerson started crying, so he cancelled out the birthday on everybody except me and Seth.
The three of us went upstairs in Emmerson's bedroom. I comforted Em while him and Seth were sharing their experiences with that fugly bitch of a whore of a son of a bitch of a bitch of a bitch of a bitch of a bitch of a bitch of a bitch of a bitch. And guess what, the person who told Emmerson Allison was cheating on them, was Seth on a fake account!
Subsequent to the end of their talk it was already night.
Seth went home, and I realized I made a new friend today. I really like Seth, they're a really nice person and a funny one!
Me and Emmerson planned to have a slumber party at their house on their birthday for MONTHS.
He remembered about the gift I told him he has to open when we're alone.
I could feel the rush of adrenaline run through my veins. I stated to him with a scared expression on my face'Emmerson... If you don't like or don't feel the s-
I mean if you don't agree with what's on there just let me know, please, I don't want to make you uncomfortable!', Emmerson grabbed my face and rubbed his fingers on my cheek to calm me down, expressing what he felt'Zephyr, anything you could ask me, I would be down with. Everything. I would give you the moon, I would give myself for you, I would kill myself for you, I would kill for you, I would climb mountains and I would starve myself just for you.'.
What he said, made his face even more kissable than usual, but a little voice inside my head told me'maybe this is platonic', and I think a little voice told him that too, so, when our faces got closer and the heat got hotter, we separated our bodies from their home, and acted like homies.
To break the awkwardness I said'You would starve for me? Wow. So you must love me more than food huh! And I know, oh I know you love your food boy!', he laughed a little and then said'Can I open this now? I'm more curious than ever!'.
Emmerson opens the gift I gave him, which were multiple love letters stuck to each other. The glance in his green eyes lid up and he immediately started reading, little did he know at the end of the first letter was a love confession. As he got to the half of the first letter he grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb on it murmuring the words'I love you so much you don't even know...', therefore, I whispered the words'Oh, just you see how much I love you!'. He looked up at my face putting my hair behind my ear resisting the urge to kiss me.
My heart was beating faster to the point where I could feel it in my gut. Why you ask? He got to the confession. Oh my god.
He got to the confession.
He hates me now.
He never wants to see me again.
Our friendship will never bee the s-
'Our hearts have one beat, Zephyr. I knew you could feel it too. Our love is unprescribable, and too unique for our own sake. I'm glad you feel the same as me, join me into my life as not just my best friend, but my significant other too. I love you.'
'Oh, Em, I love you t-', before I could've said any more words, they pressed their lips onto mine and accompanied each other every step of the way.
We spent the night reading the fifteen love letters I had written for him, making out and sleeping in each other's arms.

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