Chapter 20

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Hi guys.

I'm trying out an A/N here for the first time! I'm hoping your enjoying the story so far. It's only the beginning 😂 this is an extended version of the prologue so I hope you like it. 

Everything up till now has been a buildup so be prepared to see a whole new side to both Charles and Ellie. And maybe we can even see her giving Sebastian a second chance? Who knows?


Hi Eléa" Sebastian said while capturing her eyes, at that moment she knew she was done for, how could she not get lost in those ocean blue eyes. She could feel all eyes on her, some of the people around them knew about their relationship, the rest she guessed was just shocked too see her interact with the actor, him even calling her Elèa.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked removing her gaze from Sebastian now determined to only look at his friend. She tried her best sounding cordial, but not too nice.

"Well you were the one that arranged this for us, so how rude if we didn't show up" Chase Crawford said with a grin throwing his hands on Ellie's shoulders. "I kinda told him you didn't mind him coming, so don't hate me" he whispered in her ear. Ellie just turned in her spot, giving him a death glare.

Everybody could see how close the two brunettes now were, and the now building tension between them. Not everyone could understand why though. Sebastian could feel the regret creeping up on him. He should have known she would never want him there.

She had avoided him all these months but after they accidentally ran into each other in New York and he didn't get the chance to explain himself he felt even more of a need to see her. He had seen she had unblocked him because his messages were now being delivered. Also, Lewis had told Chase that Ellie found out Sebastian was the one that planned everything for her birthday. He was hoping that it was all warming her up to speak to him.

"You couldn't have at least told me? Maybe called, said hey, I know you hate his guts, but he's going to Canada. Or maybe just shot me a text? Anything?!" She whispered in a spiteful tone. "How in the hell did you even know I was going??" She continued.

"I thought this would maybe make you two have a conversation seeing as last time wasn't as successful" Chase said under his breath. "Will might have mentioned you seemed open to the idea of talking to him" Ellie just slapped his chest. Before she could scowled him Sebastian stepped in between them. "Why don't you come with me?" Taking Ellie's hand guiding her away from the group.

"Okey, am I the only one that has no idea what just happened?" Carlos asked, while Isa, Charles, Pierre and Daniel agreed, being equally confused.

"We need to find Lewis, Declan, Emma and Toto before either of them find out he's here." Mason told the group, or at least those of them that knew what was going to happen if they didn't, ignoring the others obvious question.

"Toto and Lewis are in a meeting so we don't need to worry about them for a while." George answered.

"How in the hell does she know the hot actor is my question and why on earth does she hate him??" Isa asked

"Emma just left with Max" Daniel chimed in, "would any of you mind telling us what's happening?"

"Uh guys, I think Declan just found out." Anna said pointing towards Declan who was making a beeline towards where Ellie and Sebastian were obviously arguing.

Declan was squeezing his fists together, and fume was almost blowing out of his ears, but before he could reach them Mason ran to him and tackled him, before dragging him towards the others. "Mate, let you sister handle this herself."

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