Chapter 21

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Ellie walked away from the confrontation with Sebastian, feeling utterly heartbroken. As she walked away, with Georges hand on her lower back, making soothing movements, tears streamed down her face. Ss she tried to hold back her sobs, George put his arm around her, trying to comfort her "It's going to be okay," he said softly. "You're going to be okay."

But Ellie knew that things would never be the same. She had loved Sebastian with all her heart, but now she couldn't trust him anymore. She couldn't go back to that. Even if she decided to give him another chance, she knew things would never be the same again.

As they continued walking, Ellie couldn't help but think of all the happy times she had spent with Sebastian. They had shared so much together, but now it all seemed like a distant memory. All the thoughts that had gone around in her head since it all went down hill suddenly settling, she felt at piece with the decision to move on, even though it hurt like hell.

She knew she needed to move on, and after trying a relationship she was sure would be endgame for it to end like this, she wasn't sure she was the relationship type anymore.

Ellie looked at George and felt grateful for his support. He had been there for her through everything. Even after their fight, he would always drop everything for her, and she couldn't be more grateful that he had been her best friend through everything. 

Ellie realized that she needed time to heal and to figure out what she wanted. She needed to see what was next for her, she wasn't going to get into this situation again. She wasn't a relationship girl before him, and after how that ended she couldn't help but think maybe she was better off going back to old ways? Carefree flirting, one night stands, not giving a fuck, that sounded just about right.

She thought about everything that had happened after she and Sebastian ended. As well as everything thats happened since she started coming around F1, and figured it was time for her to go back to her life. She was done with this, at least for a while. She needed space. 

Sebastian wasn't quite as convinced they were over, he was confident he would get her back, even if everyone thought otherwise, even her. Sebastian had been thinking about her non stop since she left, regretting the way he had let her go. He knew he had made a mistake and now he was determined to win her back. He called her, sent her messages, and tried to see her whenever he could. But he knew that she was still hurt by what had happened between them and wasn't sure if she could trust him again.

Charles on the other hand felt like he was so far gone it was beyond repair. How could he have thought those things about her, said those thing to her, and done the things he did, when it was clear as day none of it was true if he had just been willing to listen. Seeing her face as soon as she saw Sebastian he figured he had no chance. Charles realized in that moment that he liked Ellie, a lot more than he would like to admit, and how fucking perfect that he figures it out just as he fucks it all royally up? He felt like he needed to do something, immediately, to have a chance to fix things. 

Charles called Declan in hope of him giving him some advice on how to fix things with his sister. All he got in response was, call George. Charles felt sick, he was so sure that they had cheated, and that there was something going on between the two. Was he really going to call him for advice?

He decided to swallow his pride, and call George for help. He wouldn't let himself loose out on getting to see what his feelings for the girl was because he was insecure about her relationship with her best friend. 

"Hello" George said clearly not having checked who called. 

"Hey mate" Charles said a little sheepishly. 

"Charles, what can I do for you?" he questioned a little unsure of why he was receiving the call. 

"I wanted your advice" Charles stopped before he could go any further not sure how it would be received. 

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