Show me how

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Y/n walked into her chemistry class for the first time in two weeks
Her absents has been excused due to her mother being in the hospital because of diagnosed heart problems
Y/n is very popular and she never struggled with having friends but recently she's felt more alone than ever
As she looked around the class room she realized that maybe all the people that she considered friends weren't actually her friends at all
None of them have called or texted to see if she was okay
When she did her a text it was always like "hey wanna hang? Cool party tonight"
She didn't even like parties !
None the less as she began walking to her seat her teacher stopped

"Y/n! It's so glad to have you back! We have had a few new seating arrangements so you'll be sitting beside Mr. Parker..."

"Oh uhm okay thanks" she said as she looked around for a "mr. Parker"
When she saw a boy with an empty seat beside him smile at her she figured it was him

So she walked over and had a seat

She looked at him for probably a little to long
He had brown messy hair and glasses
He dressed in a way she hasn't really seen before but she liked was different

"Hi I'm y/n y/l/n" she said with a smile as she offered him a handshake

He turned and looked at her

"Uh hi I'm Peter...Parker" he replied shyly as he shook her hand

Wow that was awkward
Is what they both thought

Eventually class started and the teacher began talking

Peter wasn't really paying attention

I mean how could he ? With the start of his secret identity he couldn't really think about anything else

He was tuning out the teacher
When he heard her say
"The person you sit with will be your partners for the project and you have three weeks. Three weeks to think of an idea, plan it, create it, and then present it. We will have some time in class but unfortunately for some of you, you will have to work outside of class. Now I know prom is coming up so-"

Once y/n heard the word prom she completely stop listening
"Prom!" She whisper yelled
She had completely forgot
The only thing she had been thinking about was her mother
And as a cheerleader
Prom was important

She has to be there and she has to have a date but she also needs to get this project due and oh my god she needs a dress !

Peter looked over at the girl who was in clear distress

The teacher had stopped talking and the class was given time to start discussing so he asked

"Hey are you okay you don't look too good?"

"Oh why thank you" the girl playfully rolled her eyes

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I mean you look good I mean we'll I- you just looked all." Peter was so embarrassed
Did he really just tell this girl that she looked good?
It was true though she was beautiful
And the fact that she had even spoken to Peter was a surprise to him

"It's okay I know what you mean. I've just been so busy with making sure my mom was okay and staying with her at the hospital that I completely forgot about prom ! And I don't have a date, a dress, I need to get my hair and nails done. Oh my god I'm never gonna have the time!" She was rambling and it was clear she was more talking to herself than actually talking to Peter but he still wanted to try and be helpful

"Hey it's gonna be alright. I'm sure you'll get a date immediately and if you want we can start working on this immediately so we can get it done and over with so you can have a good prom" he said with a smile


"Of course, we can even start today after school if you'd like?" He asked her
He hoped she'd say yes so he could actually get to know this girl
"Yeah that could work... what's the latest you can do ? I have cheer plus I like to visit my mom after that..."
He thought for a moment and replied "however late you need"

"Will 8 work ?"

"Yeah of course"

"Okay here's my number just text me your address and I'll be there around 8" she said as she wrote down her number and handed it to him

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