Fearless (behind the scenes)

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Hello everyone I hope you all enjoyed the story this will just be me telling you just some fun facts u guess about writing this story as-well as maybe asking you a couple questions along the way

And thank you so much to everyone who read !

• firstly is that I finished writing this story in under a week and I started writing it because I ran out of fanfics that fit my preferences so I decided to write my own

• there are a lot of parallels through the story so let me know if you found any

• I did a lot of research for this story especially on the Coronary Heart Disease - I learned about the effects and if it's curable ect. Nothing really inspired that I just needed a disease that could kill you in like the worst case scenario

•through the story I also left a couple of clues about y/n's illness such as her being nauseous which is one of the side effects/symptoms

•as you can see I am a swiftie and I tried to add a couple of songs that weren't Taylor but Peter and y/n are just so Taylor coded I couldn't help it

•in all honesty they were supposed to have a good ending but clearly things have changed so I'm so sorry for that I realize that I was going to have y/n pass away during the writing of chapter 2-4 and things such as her taking lots of pictures ect. Were hinting at the fact that she knew she was Ill

•I am not a very great writer so I do hope that you enjoyed and I know the story was very short and I'm so sorry maybe in the future I'll write like a longer version of this

Anyway please let me know your favorite parts through this story and let me know if you have any questions

Thank you so much to whoever read this


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